Obsessed with my scale



  • mamakate2kh
    mamakate2kh Posts: 42 Member
    Well I have my friend hiding my scale right now and only pulling it out on Monday's .. Its better that way.. I lost 4 lbs in one week because I was focusing on working out and eating right instead of focusing on my scale constantly
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    ... If I only weighed weekly I think the first couple days after weigh in I would slack because I have time to make it up later in the week;)

    This is exactly what motivated me to go from weekly to daily morning weigh-ins. That, and I'm a numbers nerd, so I use a graphing app to see the trend in data.
    I only log my weight here every Monday however, and I'm using the tape measure first Monday of every month.