Best diet for fat loss?



  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    tw807278 wrote: »
    Mavrick_RN wrote: »
    Depends on how long you want to keep the fat off. Unsustainable, fad diets work for short term weight loss.

    If you want to keep the fat off for life, you have to eat in a way you can keep doing for life. 1000 to 1500 calories for a normal sized male (not a dwarf of somesuch) is not sustainable

    My goal is to lose a lot of fat. I'm currently 214, 6'3, and near 19-20% body fat. I want to lose as much fat as possible, and then learn to maintain my weight or possibly begin to bulk and build muscle. I'm a gym rat, and always looking for ways to improve my self. I've just come to a point where I'm not happy with the way I look, and want to change. I have too much stomach fat, and I want to be able to enjoy the summer and life without it.

    Your body can only burn a limited amount of fat per week, eating less and less won't increase fat loss but will see you lose lean mass. At the rate you're eating you'll either end up starving and binge eating when the hunger becomes too much and end up piling weight back on. Or you'll end up losing a lot of muscle and have plenty of fat left, 'skinny fat' as it's often referred to. Want to lose a lot of fat? Fine, that's perfectly achievable, but it takes time, you need to be very patient.