Jillian Michaels may get me evicated help please



  • SGJ86
    SGJ86 Posts: 31 Member
    Slim in 6 by Beachbody would be a good one! Kind of boring, but no jumping around and delivers results in 6 weeks :)
  • NatashaK29
    NatashaK29 Posts: 137
    Here are a few suggestions since moving and a gym are not options.
    1) substitute the jumping and loud parts for something like chair step-ups or simple high knees
    2) download an interval timer on ur phone like Interval Timer AD which is free, make a list of the exercises you want to do and take your workout to a local park or the courtyard.
    3) running and walking in intervals is great cardio and yes, takes a bit longer to get as high of a burn, but has its benefits as well
    4) find workout routines, like some of the ones suggested previously, that are quieter and still pack a punch

    As a side note, if u walk or run, then come home a do your calisthenics you will achieve the same results as JM DVD, just maybe in a little more time.

    Good luck
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Maybe try talking to your neighbors? Explain to them what you are doing, what times you are doing it, and how long it will take. If they still don't get it, maybe see if there is a cheap place? My local high school has a workout room and an indoor and outdoor track. The tracks are free, the fitness room is $1 a visit.

    I agree with this. If you know who made the complaint, *politely* talk to them in person and explain what is going on. See if there is a time that would work best for both of you (maybe before they get home from work, or a little earlier in the AM when they are already up and getting ready to leave). They may be rude or not willing to compromise, but chances are if you talk to them in person they will be a little more understanding. Good luck! I know you must be frustrated!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    There are some quiet routines that you can find using google but are on youtube. They are for people in apartments or main floor suites so that you aren't too loud.

    Also you can learn the routines and bring it outside with you and with some of your own music and you can perform it out in a park or any area you feel comfortable doing it in.

    Also most larger cities (if you live in a larger city) has drop-in programs or if you can find the 'cheap buy' online purchases for zumba, yoga and other things like that it is a good alternative. Cannot tell you how many good deals come through livingsocial, teambuys and other similar sites.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I'm not sure it's possible to do jumping type of exercises on a second floor without making noise. I tread pretty lightly, and when I asked my downstairs neighbors they said they can sometimes hear my regular walking footsteps. Cardio really isn't worth getting evicted for if you can do it somewhere else. I agree with what other people said; run, walk more, or do your DVD exercises outdoors. Or workout at a friend's house. For a short-term solution until you figure things out, you can get a day or week trial membership at a gym for free. You might even find a cheap membership that you can afford.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    :huh: On no! it is the grammar/spelling police! Get a life! You know what she meant.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Talk to your neighbors. If they are jerks about it, then get a daycare license and have a bunch of kids running around up there at all hours. They will wish they had the exercise noise back.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    you are in Ontario, as long as you are not going over a measured decibel level in a residential area before 11 pm then there is little they can do.

    Firstly, they would have to measure the actual sound level you are creating and create proof of "annoyance levels" being met and exceeded.

    Then they would have to confirm that they have had numerous tenant complaints from more than one tenant.

    This is only if you have have been working out before 11 pm. 11 pm and after, is however subject to noise annoyance bylaws and would result in a ticket and or fine.

    so either change your work out time, or modify your workout.

    or move.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Forget talking to your neighbours about why you are doing it - no one should have to put up with a racket from above!

    I live on a middle floor apartment, so totally sympathise with both you and your neighbours. My neighbour upstairs is, ahem, a rather large lass and she thinks nothing of bouncing around at 1am. It's made me aware of what my 30DS sessions must have sounded like for my neighbours downstairs (I'm no skinny minnie myself). I've complained to our landlord, who told my neighbour above to stop. She hasn't and it's now caused problems.

    Your best bet is to, as you have said, do lower impact routines indoors. Jillian's No More Trouble Zones and simple weight training with dumbbells is less bouncy. Pilates is also fab and very quiet.

    As for cardio, it was an incentive for me to take up running last year. Buy a pair of running shoes, download a C25k app (better still join the MFP group) and get some fresh air. I never would have taken up running if it wasn't for living in an apartment, but I'm glad I did. You'll burn way more calories than walking and see results faster.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Forget talking to your neighbours about why you are doing it - no one should have to put up with a racket from above!

    A more civilized response, as a neighbor entitled to peace and quiet, would be to find mutually agreeable times for the racket from above, whether it's a time when the aggrieved neighbor is not home, or a time when the neighbor below is awake and can put up with 30-60 minutes of pounding because, in all likelihood, the law allows a person to make noise during certain hours.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Feel free to go out for a run anytime
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I don't understand? When are you doing the DVD? If it's after 9 AM and before 7 PM I would say the apartment complex can't really do anything about it - they won't evict you.

    The OP lives in Ontario, excessive noise that interferes with other tenants right to quiet enjoyment of their apartments is grounds for eviction irrespective of the time (but the tenant also has a right to a hearing before a tribunal if an eviction order is issued, the complaint has to be reasonable - perhaps the person below her works nights......)
    you are in Ontario, as long as you are not going over a measured decibel level in a residential area before 11 pm then there is little they can do.

    Firstly, they would have to measure the actual sound level you are creating and create proof of "annoyance levels" being met and exceeded.

    Then they would have to confirm that they have had numerous tenant complaints from more than one tenant.

    This is only if you have have been working out before 11 pm. 11 pm and after, is however subject to noise annoyance bylaws and would result in a ticket and or fine.

    so either change your work out time, or modify your workout.

    You're mistaken, you're thinking of noise by-laws which have nothing to do with evictions. This comes under the Residential Tenancies Act sections 64 & 65 but the onus would be on the landlord to demonstrate that the interference was "substantial"

    To the OP, have you spoken to your downstairs neighbour? Perhaps there's a time that you could continue with your current workouts that would not disturb them......it's also possible they're just whiners who are completely unreasonable......
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Forget talking to your neighbours about why you are doing it - no one should have to put up with a racket from above!

    A more civilized response, as a neighbor entitled to peace and quiet, would be to find mutually agreeable times for the racket from above, whether it's a time when the aggrieved neighbor is not home, or a time when the neighbor below is awake and can put up with 30-60 minutes of pounding because, in all likelihood, the law allows a person to make noise during certain hours.

    Hmmmmm... I see where you're coming from but if she has had a letter about the noise then it has escalated already and her neighbours aren't happy. Talking to them might help, but getting out for a run would be better. Often it's not just noise that's an issue. I live in a timber-framed building and my walls shake and light fittings sway when my neighbour jumps around. Not ideal.
  • AmiAlcocer
    AmiAlcocer Posts: 18
    You could get an exercise bike pretty cheaply second hand, and get your cardio in that way. This way you are still working out at home, less/no noise and lots of calorie burn. :)
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    tell people to get a life and stop complaining about piddly little things :).
  • dewdrop0522
    Toneitup.com ..... fantastic, fun, amazing toning!

    I actually work as a rental specialist though... the province of Ontario is pro-tenant, not to mention that an actual eviction process takes oodles of time (6+months) --- go onto the landlord tenant board of ontario, there should be a hotline.

    Hope this helps!