iPhone step counter + MFP + Map My Walk

theboyk Posts: 2 Member
Hey all,

I'm using the following devices/apps to track my daily activity and I'm wondering if I have this set up correctly? I'm just not sure how all these apps "work together" to make sure I'm not recording double-steps, etc.?

• iPhone 6 + Apple's Health.app (tracks my daily steps)
• My Fitness Pal (where I track my food)
• Map My Walk (tracks my daily walks)

I just went on a 30 minute walk at lunch and tacked it in MMW. It shows I did a total of 3691 steps and burned 260 calories.

Apple's Health app shows I've done 5218 steps today. Before I went on the walk at lunch, the Health.app was showing steps at 1527. So, the Health.app seems to be recording the correct number of steps.

Looking at My Fitness Pal, under exercise, it's showing:
- Steps calorie adjustment (5218 steps) @ 50 calories
- Walking (30 minutes) @ 260 calories

So, to me, it looks like these apps are smart enough to work together and MFP seems to be breaking out the calorie adjustments correctly (as 5218 steps would normally show a calorie adjustment of way more than 50 calories). So, it looks correct to me, but just wondering if anyone else has any experience with these apps working together and if there are any issues I need to be concerned with?
