Healthy Habits Every Day Challenge - April 2016

newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
A continuation from earlier "Daily Healthy Habits - March" board.
Feel free to join in anytime!

The challenge:
1. Check every day in April to stay accountable for daily healthy habits that can lead to weight loss. Example of "check in" given below, but feel free to add your own goals as you see fit. We also reflect on daily struggles and strengths because it's good to learn from struggles and celebrate the strengths!
2. Set a monthly weight loss goal and check in with the group weekly to report on how that is going.
3. Feel free to provide props and support to other board participants...

That's it! Sounds too easy, but it works! :)

So I'll go first:

Date: April 1, 2016 (reporting for today)
Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
Exercised: Yes 1400 m swim
Vitamin: Yes

Current weight: 139.5
Goal weight for May 1: 133.5 (1.5lbs per week)

Current struggles: Believing I can get that close to my goal weight by the end of the month... I think the last 10 lbs is truly a mental game!
Current strengths: Proud of myself for getting my swim in today... I was out of town all day with my son at a competition and I found the local pool and got my workout done :)


  • mnjanketodd
    mnjanketodd Posts: 3 Member
    Date: April 1, 2016
    Logged food intake: Yes, over calorie goal
    Exercised: No

    Current weight: 260
    Goal weight for May 1: 255

    Current struggles: I really struggle with STOPPING eating. I just want to eat all day. :(
    Current strengths: I've been logging my food every single day, regardless of if I fall above or below the calorie goal.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi @mnjanketodd, Good for you for logging your intake.... Sometimes just getting it written down is the hard part. For me, logging helped me see that the snack I was eating after work was totally derailing me ... And all really because I was eating to treat myself, not because I was hungry. Every day is a new day, and behaviour changes can take a while to develop... Be patient with yourself, figure out a strategy to deal with your struggle and give it a try! Don't give up, you are worth it :)
  • bellew62802
    bellew62802 Posts: 60 Member
    April 2nd: Reporting for today
    Under Calorie Goal: Yes
    Exercised: 2 hours playing with grandson
    8 Glasses Water: 7
    Sodium Intake Check: Yes

    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight May 1: 160

    Current Struggle: Getting up when hubby leaves for work at 5 a.m. so that I can get my workout in before grandson wakes.

    Current Strength: Feeling determined to get up early. I can honestly say that I like how I feel when I have an actual workout vs playing with grandson. The strength and adrenaline rush is such a great motivator :smile:

    @mnjanketodd, that nibbly feeling is exactly how I had been. I learned that I needed to add more protein to my diet. Protein helps as a filler. Almonds have been helpful too!

    @newbie2143, Thank you for carrying over this daily habit thread :smile: You are such an inspiration with finding a local pool to get your swim in! That is awesome! I am so glad to hear you are so motivated and focused!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited April 2016
    ^ @bellew62802, I love the "sodium intake check" goal! Good one....

    Date: April 3, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, but NOT under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes 6.3k run
    Vitamin: Yes

    Current weight: 139.5
    Goal weight for May 1: 133.5 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Out of town for day 2 of my son's tournament.... Got to see two sets of friends from those parts, but that meant eating out with both groups, lunch and dinner. I tried to stick to mostly veggies and lean proteins, but as is usual with eating away from home, the calories still added up...
    Current strengths: Packed all my things and got out for a run, even though I was out of town... Getting the exercise calories definitely helped offset the eating!
  • juststrawberry
    juststrawberry Posts: 2 Member
    Date April 3rd.
    Weight - 137
    Goal Weight for May 26th (my 40th) - 125

    Current Struggles: 1. Single mom trying to fit in a 5 a.m. run during the week.
    2. Eliminate late night snacking (ideally I will be in bed therefore not snacking).

    Primary Goal: I am training for my first Golden Gloves match to happen sometime before the end of the year...
    1. log calories
    2. Regular independent runs to build endurance
    3. Consistent gym workouts to include sparing. (4-5 times a week)

    Current Strengths: 1. Both of my daughters are very active and we are all vegan so we have a healthy home
    2. My boyfriend is very healthy and disciplined so he sets a good example for me.
    3. I am persistent - even though my alarm has been set at 5 a.m. for over a decade and I have
    only gotten up at that time a half dozen times...I keep setting that alarm ;-)
  • bellew62802
    bellew62802 Posts: 60 Member
    April 3rd: Reporting for today
    Under Calorie Goal: Yes
    Exercised: Yes tons of yardwork: push mower, gardening and raking SPRING clean up :smile:
    8 Glasses Water: 8
    Sodium Intake Check: Yes and well below what is allowable for me today

    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight May 1: 160

    Current Struggle: Needing to get sufficient sleep still.

    Current Strength: Continuing to work on that. Maybe one day I will get at least 6 hours of sleep at night. Lol.

    @juststrawberry, *Welcome* Golden gloves is quite impressive! You have great support in your strengths to help you along :smile:

    @newbie2143, way to go on getting your run in with busy schedule!
  • caitibugaloo
    caitibugaloo Posts: 8 Member
    Date: 4/3
    Under Calorie goal: yes
    Exercised: no
    Water intake: 12 cups
    Woke up without snoozing alarm: no, I slept in a good hour :/

    Goal weight for 5/1: 338lbs
    Current weight: 346lbs

    Current struggles: I want to sleep in every morning! I know that I fall asleep easier at night if I do not sleep in, but I have such trouble dragging my butt out of bed when I don't have responsibilities in the morning.

    Current strengths: I made my goal weight for 4/1, so I've just got to keep motivated.
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited April 2016
    ^welcome @juststrawberry - I know how hard those early wake ups can be... Keep trying! :) It can only get easier as the sun starts to rise earlier and earlier... (Assuming you are in the northern hemisphere).

    Date: April 4, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, missed calorie goal by 77 calories
    Exercised: No, rest day
    Vitamin: Yes

    Current weight: 139.0
    +/- vs. Last week: -0.5
    Goal weight for May 1: 133.5 (1.5lbs per week)

    Current struggles: Could not resist a bit of ice cream after supper yesterday..... Saw my boys having some and that was it. Kept the portion small, but I still missed my calorie goal. By then it was too late to get out for a walk to make up for it. (Oh, and it is SNOWING again! Got a good 10-15cm [4-6"] overnight - just when I thought spring was here...ugh.)
    Current strengths: Just polished off a healthy breakfast and packed a healthy lunch. Scale down a bit.... Onward and upward!
  • bellew62802
    bellew62802 Posts: 60 Member
    April 4th
    Is it Tuesday yet? Day wasn't so swell. Grandson woke me up at 4:45 and my day just got better and better as it went on....NOT! Anyway, no logging in just saying hey all!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: April 5, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 35 minute bike
    Vitamin: Yes

    Current weight: 139

    Current struggles: None at the moment.... Feeling back in the groove.
    Current strengths: Good friends - just as I was about to convince myself I could get away without going to the gym, a timely text arrived, asking if I wanted to go work out.
  • Fiftyshadesofweight
    Fiftyshadesofweight Posts: 47 Member
    Is it too late to join. I think I would really benefit from this group
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    ^ @Fiftyshadesofweight , it's never too late... Hop on in! Welcome!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Date: April 6, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 35 minute walk
    Vitamin: Yes

    Current weight: 139

    Current struggles: Finding time to fit everything in.... Requires extra planning!!
    Current strengths: Today is day 114 of logging! I've had my ups and downs with this process, but overall more up than down, and staying on track with logging has been a big part of that.
  • bellew62802
    bellew62802 Posts: 60 Member
    April 6th: Reporting for today
    Under Calorie Goal: Yes
    Exercise: 60 minutes elliptical, 30 minutes stationary bike
    8 Glasses Water: 7
    Sodium Intake Check: Yes and below :smile:

    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight May 1: 160

    Current Strength: Therapy is going well and I am officially off of anxiety meds!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Yay @bellew62802 , health is about the whole person.... Glad you are well! :)
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited April 2016
    Date: April 7, 2016 (reporting for yesterday)
    Logged food intake: Yes, under calorie goal
    Exercised: Yes, 40 minute swim
    Vitamin: No

    Current weight: tbd Friday

    Current struggles: Macros have been off for the last few days... Going to start being more mindful of them.
    Current strengths: Managed to hold off the mindless eating demons last night.... You never know when those urges will hit!

  • bellew62802
    bellew62802 Posts: 60 Member
    @newbie2143 , thanks! Learning a lot about whole body health! :smile:

    *Welcome* @Fiftyshadesofweight! Glad to have you aboard!

    April 7th: Reporting for today
    Under Calorie goal: yes
    Exercise: yes 20 minutes stationary bike and 40 minutes elliptical
    8+ water: yes
    Sodium intake : checked and below

    Current Weight: 164.9
    Goal Weight May 1st: 160

    Current Struggles: none today

    Current Strength: My fellow MFPers Thank you all so much!
  • puglife456
    puglife456 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey all! I went MIA from MFP around Easter time and got off track, but now I'm ready to get back into the trenches and work my butt off!! So glad you are continuing this thread, because it really helped me with healthy habits last month

    April 8th: Reporting for 4/7
    Under Calorie goal: no
    Exercise: yes 60 mins stair master
    Meditation: yes
    Weight lift: no
    Avoided processed foods/ excessive sugar: no

    Current Weight: 151 +/- 1 pound (it's been fluctuating a lot recently... Will reweigh on Sunday)
    Goal Weight 5/1: 146 pounds

    Current Struggles: yesterday wasn't great. It all started with a brownie and went downhill from there, lol.

    Current Strength: I actually made it to the gym after my snack/ sugar rampage, which is an achievement for me because I tend to write off the entire day if I go overboard on snacking or don't log or whatever.
    Glad to be back and hopefully I'll make my calorie goal for next month !
  • puglife456
    puglife456 Posts: 127 Member
    Weight goal*
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    ^Welcome back, @puglife456, glad you are here. Good for you for not writing off the whole day because of the brownie... I read a really great quote on another board recently, that probably applies: "Don't let the perfect stand in the way of the good".