Happy Results ='s Complacency

About a month ago, I reached one of my mini goals...the ten pounds lost mark. I was happy and excited, but wanted to take a little mini break from being so strict with my workouts. I don't mind working out, but I don't get the euphoric high some people get. I was only going to take a week off and then get back too it. However, we had some things come up...you know life (husband needed unexpected surgery, my grandfather got cancer and passed away a week later, and I've just been very tired lately from my own health issues). Taking that time off turned out to be a good thing to spend extra time with my family. However, a week turned into a month, and now here I am. During this time, I did watch my food intake and only went over 1200 cals a few times (days where I was eating before logging in and didn't know I went over). The only exercise I got to speak of was going for an hour walk to clear my head during one of the tougher days. I know I will get back to it, but I just wondered if anyone else ever "backed off" because they were happy with their results. If so, what got you going again?


  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 815 Member
    I hit around 20lbs lost and just seemed to back off for like a whole month.

    What got me going again was seeing that the scale looked like it might be increasing (eeekkk!) and I worked hard to lose the weight I didn't want it back again. Also what helped me get back into it was realizing that I'm still not happy with my body currently, I'm not unhappy per say, I just want to feel the best about my body and be able to rock summer shorts and cute dresses and swimsuits and feel really confident.

    perhaps the better statement would be "I'm not yet satisfied with my body"

    It can be hard to stick to the programme when we have a lot of stuff going on and it sounds like you have had a really rough month! Don't be too hard on yourself and get back in there when you can :)
  • maryannelk
    maryannelk Posts: 707 Member
    Congrats on the 10 lbs and sorry your life has been in such upheaval.

    I think the key might be thinking of whatever your exercise program is as a permanent lifestyle change...if you are not going to do it forever, don't start it. So if you see exercise as a tool to get to a certain end, when you achieve that goal, you can lose the tool. If you think of your exercise as a permanent support for your physical and mental well being, it never goes away.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks for the responses...I think I do see exercise as a tool to see quicker weight loss, more than a lifestyle change. I used to play sports and really liked it, but the opportunities for women my age to get back into the sports I enjoy are a bit limited.

    I enjoy going for walks to "clear my head". Not sure if you are aware, but the majority of the eastern USA (where I live) is experiencing flash flooding . No joke, it has poured rain at some point everyday for the last couple of weeks (my husband is trying to get yard work done now, before it rains again, but everything is wet and it is humid. I've helped him just a little because it makes me nauseous being outside like that.

    I will work on changing my attitude to seeing it as a lifestyle change, especially when I hit my goal weight. I think it will help, if I can find an activity I really enjoy.

    Another thing I've been thinking I need to work on is setting a day when I need to reach my goals (like, in one month lose 5 more pounds). I didn't do that the first time - I just kept plodding along until I hit the mini-goal. I am scared to set a deadline though and not reach it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm still in that mode. I keep telling myself it's just lethargy from anemia and once I take enough iron pills for enough days I will feel motivated again, but I secretly fear it's that my losses up until now which have removed my belly have left me satisfied with an hourglass shape that is larger than what I intended but still a womanly shape. I'm worried that I will stay satisified with my new figure but really I want to be smaller and stronger for health and strenght reasons. So we shall see shortly if correcting my deficiencies will correct my lack of motivation. In the meantime, I am logging, keeping track of cals that do not include workouts to continue hopefully to lose weight exercise free, upping my iron, and brainstorming ways to workout with my new schedule once I feel less likely to faint at every turn. I'm trying to employ the hardest strength of all. The strength of keeping yourself from doing something you know you should do if you know you really arent' capable right now. It's a hard pill to swallow. The ego hates it.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I lost 25 lbs a year ago and kept it off. I was tired of counting calories and staying at 1200 so I stopped counting but kept a close eye on my weight.

    After a year I started to lose this last 25 lbs (not much more to go!) , what started me up again was finding an exercise class that I love (barre classes) and that led to a bigger interest in fitness. Before, I was just running and with my bad back I would keep hurting myself. Now with strength exercises added I got rid of most of my back problems.

    This time I'm also eating more calories which is making is waaay waay easier, and still losing weight.

    I really think as long as you keep the weight you lost off, its fine and healthy to take a break and maintain here and there. WAYYY better than quickly losing a lot of weight and then putting it right back on. Slow and steady!
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I think the lifestyle advice is a really good point. Any certain weight / body type corresponds to a certain eating/exercise lifestyle. Sounds as if you are good at hitting gosls when you set them - so keep setting goals!