Energy on low carb diet



  • drwilseyjr
    drwilseyjr Posts: 225 Member
    tw807278 wrote: »
    drwilseyjr wrote: »
    Also, I eat less than 50g carbs a day.

    Yeah that was my goal, to go into ketosis so my body would burn fat. You're right about the calories though, that is most likely why I don't have the energy I need. I'm just doing as much as I can to lose fat.

    @ 6'3", 212lbs, your body is probably burning around 1800 calories a day just to keep it going let alone for exercise.

    You need to eat more if you're trying to exercise, too. Especially if you're lifting.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    tw807278 wrote: »
    drwilseyjr wrote: »
    Also, I eat less than 50g carbs a day.

    Yeah that was my goal, to go into ketosis so my body would burn fat. You're right about the calories though, that is most likely why I don't have the energy I need. I'm just doing as much as I can to lose fat.

    You don't have to go low carb or get into ketosis to burn fat.
    It's a perfectly normal thing for your body to do.
  • martilucci
    martilucci Posts: 4 Member
    tw807278 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I've been on a long journey to lose a lot of fat, primarily my stomach. This past month I stayed below 20G of carbs daily, and anywhere from 1400-1800 calories. I'm 6'3, 18, 212, and workout 5 days a week. Recently I've had absolutely no energy, and feel sluggish before starting to workout. Any tips on how to have energy before a workout? Possibly a low carb energy bar that works? Thanks in advance!

    try an herb called ginseng-siberian, or korean.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    martilucci wrote: »
    tw807278 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I've been on a long journey to lose a lot of fat, primarily my stomach. This past month I stayed below 20G of carbs daily, and anywhere from 1400-1800 calories. I'm 6'3, 18, 212, and workout 5 days a week. Recently I've had absolutely no energy, and feel sluggish before starting to workout. Any tips on how to have energy before a workout? Possibly a low carb energy bar that works? Thanks in advance!

    try an herb called ginseng-siberian, or korean.

    No. Please don't try this.
  • shlive
    shlive Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2016
    When reducing your carb intake it's important to increase your fat (good fats). An easy way to do this is with UDO's 3-6-9. I prefer to carb cycling (Google it. There's lots of great info out there) rather than all out every day low carb. For example: two days low carb, one day increased carb. Keeping in mind increasing the carb doesn't mean go out and eat a pizza, but it will mean adding perhaps an LG carb like brown rice, sweet potato, etc. Good luck!
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    Hey guys, I recently decided to stop putting gas in my car. I got in my car this morning and it won't start. Any advice?