Not here to lose weight

Options did ask...:smile:

I don't care how I look. I don't care how much I lose. I am not young, not beautiful, and have no interest in being any of those things. I have been married to the same person for 27 years -- the only woman I ever kissed. If that makes me a dinosaur, I don't really have a problem with that.

What I care about is being here with my wife and kids and grandkids in 20 years. With some level of sight and all four limbs.

I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic in February, with an A1c of 9.9, and blood sugars running around 280. For general reference, I weighed 340 pounds at the time.

The first thing my Dr. did was to put me on drugs (pills, not insulin -- yet) and set up an appointment with a dietitian. After I had been seeing her for a couple of months, and we had dealt with the basics, she suggested using myfitnesspal. So I have been using it for the last month...

MFP is not perfect for my purposes -- it is just the best choice available now.

The good news is that I went in for another round of testing in June, and my A1c was 6.2. That means more than the fact that since I was diagnosed I have lost ~55 lbs. At least it is a start.:glasses: