Thinking of going vegetarian. Advice?



  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    What are your reasons for wanting to go veggie?

    If its for moral/ethical/environmental reasons then that's great, go for it.

    If you think it's a way to lose weight and get healthier then cutting out meat/fish is not necessary, especially as you say you love meat.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It is pretty easy imo (except having to give up bacon), but I am not sure why you are looking to go 'mostly' vegetarian. Unless you have a moral, religious or medical reason, then I would wonder why you would want to, especially as you like the taste and are not actually going to give up meat.

    Being a vegetarian is not any better or worse for weight loss than being a meat eater. I was a fat vegetarian and a lean vegetarian. There are fat meat eaters and lean meat eaters.

    The only thing that *may* make it easier is that you are restricting. However, meat can be pretty good for your calorie buck so I am not sure it really makes it easier for most to adhere to their diet.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ok Homework: Watch Food Matters and Forks Over Knives. Then you will have some kind of an educated opinion which may help you make a decision. You can find them at the Library or on Netflix:-) Enjoy!

    Yeah, as if those two "documentaries" are so rock solid. If you do watch these two agenda-drive propaganda pieces, at least do a little research to understand the "science" behind them. Here are a couple of rebuttals...(I'm sure there are more out there): and and then there's (not saying that's particularly unbiased, but it's just as unbiased as the documentaries themselves, albeit from a different perspective).
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Vegetarian cooking is amazing, delicious and fun. It's a total culinary adventure, your tastebuds will thank you. I myself and mostly veg, but I like a little meat every week. Not opposed to eating meat, but more veggies suits me.
  • Spresto2
    Spresto2 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 13 years (since 17 years old). I've enjoyed a very healthy life so far with the exception that at about age 26, I started to become more overweight. I had sort of teetered on the high end of my "healthy" weight the whole time as a veggie but now I am struggling to get back to healthy weight (30 lbs to go). I think vegetarianism isn't a sure-fire way to lose weight. I know where you are coming from with your mindset though and fully encourage anyone to reduce or cut out meat products...but perhaps if it's weight loss from vegetarianism you are seeking information about, as someone who has lived this lifestyle and has constantly struggled with weight, I would say you may end up disappointed with your results. I do not carb load as many posters assume...though it can be easy to do that...for anyone really, even meat eaters. It's just about balance and mindfulness. There are plenty of foods you can eat that are good for you as a vegetarian that are nutritious and full of all the things that keep our bodies young and vibrant, you just have to constantly be picking these foods up whilst still counting calories. I think it many be a misconception that you can eat as much as you want of healthy foods without having to be as concerned, I can say from my own experience that a calories is definitely a calorie, it's just with fruits, veg, fiber and protein rich vegetarian foods, you do feel full on less, so that works in our favor usually. Long story short, not a weight loss plan really. And a little bit of meat isn't so bad if you can pick the ones that are best such as grass fed beef and the less toxic salmon or tuna that isn't as "old" and therefore not as full of mercury. Count calories no matter you eat what is my advice...but you may find with veggie foods you are fuller and more energetic on less calories more easily and with less "suffering".
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    I haven't eaten most meats for 16 years!! (feeeling old and rickety right now). My only advice is LISTEN to your body. I have massive iron issues, my circulating iron is often borderline and i don't store iron, but reading my body I can know when to pick up my oron intake (molasses added to oats, dried apricots, and upping leafy greens, i will also occassionally take an iron tab). I eat Chicken, fish and turkey.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    NO don't do it! I was "mostly" vegetarian for 3 years, generally only ate fish out side of veggies and it caused my iron levels to go supper low and by end of last year I could barely function. It has taken me 6 months to get back on track but I bet I wasn't functioning at full capacity for at least a year out of the the 3!

    A vegetarian lifestyle is great whatever your reasons but you need to eat a much greater amount of green veg to get your required Iron.

    Just make sure you take supplements. I say everything in moderation.

    Lentils are high in iron as well as high in protein (1 cup has the protein of 3 eggs). Green leafy vegetables are not the only iron sources. I always meet or exceed the MFP iron requirements and never take supplements.. Editing to add that I have a lot of energy and feel great.
    I was a vegetarian for 2+ years and speak only from personal experience.
    In terms of weight loss/gain, as vegetarians we often reach for bread, cheese, and other less than healthy options, which causes weight gain, also, due to a slight lack of complete proteins we eat more than we normally would. Personally I gained a significant amount of weight from vegetarianism alone.
    Also, I became hypoglycemic due to a lack of protein, so keep an eye on your general health.
    With that being said, I think it's really a personal thing. It may be great for you, or you could have a less than pleasant experience like me. Just watch your carb/protein ratios and glucose levels :)
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I've been Veg for 3 1/2 years. Before that I ate all types of meat & loved my steaks bloody-rare. It's not been difficult for me as I did it very gradually over a period of about 3 years. I started learning to cook vegetarian for my two children who became veg during college. I loved the challenge of making veg versions of some of their favorite family dinners. As I experimented on the weekends they were home, I found myself wanting to make more meat-free meals even when they were back at school. Once or twice a week, became 3 or 4 times a week and then I finally realized I wouldn't miss the meat at all. Now my two teenagers are also veg, but I place no pressure on them, if they want to eat meat they can, but they choose not to. I tell them the vegetarian police are not going to come & lock them up if they eat meat... I provide good, healthy, delicious food and my husband eats whatever I make at home. He eats meat when we eat out and occasionally will buy a steak or rotisserie chicken for himself for dinner. This is working great for us & I don't see a time that I will ever go back to eating meat.

    Check out this blog - she is Veg, but her husband is not, so most things she makes you can easily add meat, or make it without.

    Now like others have said, if you load up on fat & carbs, you're not going to lose weight, you might even gain some. I eat a serving of total cereal a few days a week & I track my nutrition on a weekly basis. I do have a protein smoothie every few days if I have not met my goal for protein with my food choices. I try to net about 1600 cals - my diary is open if you want to check out what I eat. I log everything and try to exercise at least 30 mins/day. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.

    Good luck with your decision!