100 Pounds Lost

RWClary Posts: 192 Member
I was a lurking member of MFP for years, connected with some great folks, and when I lost the weight, moved on to greater challenges. I miss the MFP community support.
I started out in bad shape. It was great to transform my health and life.
I was 278 pounds and received a very bad report from my physician.

He reported that I was in a health crisis. We began going over treatment options that concluded with his statement…

“…and of course, if you were to lose about 50 pounds, all this goes away”.

That got my attention…and the rest is history. My journey to 100 pounds lost was a 2 year journey that transformed my health and whole life. It was simple but hard. I begin tracking food intake on MFP in addition to exercises and slowly eliminated poor food choices. I found that 80% of my progress was in diet changes.

I set goals, made a plan, took action and stayed motivated. That’s it, and if I can do it, so too can you!
My journey today is sharpening the saw.
Maintaining weight is every bit as challenging as losing the weight.
Feel free to add me as friend...and Oh, by the way...
Just thought I'd mention that.
