
Hi im only 45 but about 200lbs but have severe arthritis in my hip so cant walk far due to pain cant ride a bike so would like any advice on what I could do to help myself and what exercises I could do, ant help would be appreciated


  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    The local fitness center has a bicycle type thing you use your arms to move it. A rowing machine may not be not too hard on your hip but even doing an aerobics video sitting in a chair. I did that with some seniors some years back. They exercised from their chairs and loved it. Just try to move a bit. One of the doctors I worked with would have his patients walk starting with a minute and work them up from there. So just start moving sometimes when you start it get a bit worse but it improves with time. Also if you have not already been to therapy it may help you and they can teach you some exercises. I am doing therapy for my back hurts but worth the discomfort.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    Any access to a pool? At the Y?