Exercising to be happy

Hello everyone, this definitely isn't my first attempt at getting fit but I'm hoping it will be the most successful! I struggle with a lot of sadness, not sure if I would call it depression or not, but either way I get those days where I'm really not happy and I thought that if I start actually getting up and doing something to better myself and feel like I'm achieving goals then I will have a lot less bad days. I think my downfall all the previous times I've tried to lose weight is that I didn't have enough motivation, so this is why I'm making a post on here so I can hopefully get included in a community that will help motivate me as I will be experiencing something along side other people, not just on my own! So I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Jess and from the south west of England, and I'm excited to get to know a lot of new people and really try hard to get healthier and happier.


  • jsbadgery
    jsbadgery Posts: 5 Member
    Even the best of us become demotivated and have down days, but as long as you wake up the next day and keep going, success will follow.

    The hardest part of exercising is starting it, I always find, and then after that it all snowballs until I've completely given up all over again, but hopefully this app will give me a reminder to get up and change my life for the the better.