I have a 2 year old and am needing to lose my baby weight

Hi I am Jenn and I have a daughter that is now 2 and I am still carrying around the 30 pounds that I gained with her plus the 10 pounds I wanted to lose before I got pregnant. Enough is enough. Now is the time. I know how to do it just keep making up excuses. You know the ones...Not enough time. Too busy. Been traveling with work too much....blah blah blah. No more. Today is the day. Wish me luck. Everyone's support is greatly appreciated and needed. :)


  • trystan1997
    trystan1997 Posts: 1 Member
    There are tons of baby workouts that will help tone your stomach. Im not going to say baby fat is the hardest. But you got this! My mom have three kids and has lost 70 pounds of her baby fat! It takes time so dont give up!
  • hugzeelaroo
    hugzeelaroo Posts: 29 Member
    Sent request!
  • MaGaZgz
    MaGaZgz Posts: 10 Member
    Just added you
  • Emcookohb
    Emcookohb Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add!!