let's be in this together!...plz

nr1094 Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! So I'm 21, tryna drop a few pounds and get toned in the very near future! I work in a sports bar, so the perk is that I move around pretty often and very quickly, because sports fans go through $2 Bud Lights like TSwift has gone through boyfriends. The downside is that I am constantly haunted by the aroma of super heaped nachos and barbecue buffalo wings, plus I fall victim pretty easily to the free post-shift drink. I don't have a gym membership, so during the colder months my routine consisted of mostly rolling around on my carpet pretending to do crunches but really just watching lots of Bravo and eating M&Ms. So now that it's warmer out I'm super motivated to get moving and eat clean, cuz those swimsuit selfies are already starting to fill up my feed and it's bumming me out. I'm looking for motivation buddies or just people who feel my pain!


  • happyman32
    happyman32 Posts: 14 Member
    Haha love your post! And yes I feel your pain, I'll be your buddy no worries