Have a tuna fish recipe?



  • hugzeelaroo
    hugzeelaroo Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you so much, everyone! These all sound delicious! Will definitely be trying these!
  • zakierabdo3
    zakierabdo3 Posts: 2 Member
    1 can of tuna
    1 can of mixed beans
    Cucumber, Spring onion, tomatoes,

    Dice veg, add tuna, tinned beads toss until mixed & season with fresh lemon juice, mixed herbs & a pinch of salt.

    Perfect tuna bean salad!!
  • flowerbob
    flowerbob Posts: 11 Member

    These are my favourites, hope you can make sense of the UK measurements :-)
    They each need one standard UK tin of tuna which I buy in water (rather than oil), the cans are 150g each. Drain out the water before you start.

    1: Tuna pasta sauce
    I personally will eat the whole lot - about 350 calories - all by myself on it's own (*ahem*) but it's 'supposed' to be shared between two people with some wholewheat pasta. I have also been known to eat half of it stuffed into a wholewheat pitta.

    Stick 1 mug of frozen peas (about 100g) in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
    Finely chop 1 small onion and fry in a pan with 1/2 teaspoon oil for a couple of minutes.
    Stir in the tuna and break it up with a wooden spoon.
    Add 1/4 teaspoon chilli powder, a good squirt of lemon juice and a dab of garlic puree. Stir well and fry for about 4 minutes.
    Tip in the peas and stir for another minute.

    2. Crunchy baked tuna
    It's quite calorific but it will feed two people - especially if you cook a couple of potato wedges on the side - and this is real comfort food for me. I figure it's better than a lot of the alternatives!

    In a decent sized bowl, mix well:
    1 tin drained tuna
    1 sachet tomato flavour cup-a-soup (I use bachelors)
    1 packet plain (ready salted) crisps (I think these are 'chips' if you live in the US, and you only want a small bag, 20 or 30g)
    1 mug sweetcorn (I think this is 2 x US cups, or you can just use 1 tin. I use frozen sweetcorn as I always have it in the freezer.)
    You might need a couple of tablespoons of water to slacken the mixture off a bit.

    Put the whole lot into an ovenproof dish and bake for 20-30 minutes. (25 minutes in my fan oven at 170 degrees C does the trick, and also cooks a couple of home made chips - fries? - to go alongside)

    I like to use a nice shallow dish to get lots of the crispy surface. If I am feeling really sorry for myself I will eat the lot straight out of the dish with a fork and spoon!
  • debbiejolawlor
    debbiejolawlor Posts: 5 Member
    I put 1 can of tuna, 1 avocado, lemon juice, garlic powder and salt to taste, smash is all up like guacamole and eat it on 1 slice of toast or with wheat crackers. Suppose it would be good with diced tomato and jalapeño too. I've been doing avocado recipes all week and have lost 6 lbs. good luck!

    This sounds so delicious, I'm definitely gonna try it! Thanks x
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
  • cdean66
    cdean66 Posts: 5 Member
    Tuna patties. Mix drained tuna, egg white, green onions, shredded cheese (if desired), ground crackers. Make into patties and grill in non stick pan. Patties need to be somewhat dry, but not falling apart.