New mom over 40!

After having my 4th child at age 40 - I need to loose 60lbs!!!! Started the pregnancy overweight and hoped I would only gain 10 lbs and come out thinner than when I started - THAT didn't happen. Now I find myself still wearing maternity clothes and my baby is 4 months old. I'm a professional and need to loose weight to prove I'm not just successful in my career and successful with my family - but successful with my health and weigh loss goal. I'm at 220 and needs to be at 160 to wear a size 10! Common middle-ages moms - surely I'm not the only one struggling with this...


  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    It's the same for everyone at every age: create a deficit thru accurate food weighing & logging. Move more if you can find the time. 4-month-olds love a go in the stroller at just about anytime. Are you nursing? If yes you need to make sure you eat for adequate milk supply.
    I delivered my second daughter midway through 39. I went straight into active menopause after nursing her for a year. I kept wondering why it was so hard to reestablish regular periods, LOL.