Big Changes

So my life the last five years has been a series of big life changes. First I got a divorce, second I decided not to finish my masters and start a new career (which I haven't figured out yet), third I started a new job which and had for five years and now I just got fired from my job and had to move back in with my parents. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. I am a 36 year old women who lives at home with her parents, with no job, no kids, no husband or boyfriend. To add to all this I have gained 60 pounds over the last ten years and I feel so out of shape. I use to be an athlete and now I get tired watching the athletes on TV. SO SAD!!!!!!!! So I need some friends for motivation. I have started to go to the gym and amd starting to feel better but its getting hard because I want it to happen so much faster. Support friends welcome.

SW 211
CW 205
GW 150



  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Sounds like everything kind of went south all at once... sorry to hear that! Have faith that it *will* get better, even if it's tough right now, and it'll feel so awesome when you look back and see where you came from. Good luck with all the changes you're making, and welcome to MFP!
  • CFaye
    CFaye Posts: 59
    Hi Tina, Welcome! I am sorry for all the stuff you have been through recently. I hope this site helps you and guides you in the right direction for healthy lifestyle! Feel free to add me as a friend. We have about the same goal. We can keep each other motivated!
    Have a great night!