Rotating in and out of this site. Back again

Hello everyone,
I am back again... it seems like i keep on coming back to this site. I am here again to see if I can get some motivation and help in trying to get rid of the extra weight.

I work all day in an office and sit most of the day. Then when I get home I eat and again sit until bed time. I need to get out of this routine. Need to change and get some motivation.

Looking for people to give me some ideas and get me motivated.

Thank you,


  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Why do you keep quitting? Do you ever lose MORE by quitting?
    May I suggest making some goals TODAY, the easiest one could be to see how high a "streak" you can obtain....meaning you purposefully log in to MFP every day, log all your food, and complete your diary every day. Once you get into the habit of NOT quitting, you'll start to be successful. You say you don't move much after you get home from work. The best way to create a caloric deficit and lose weight is by moving your body MORE than you eat. I would start with little things. Move your car far from all doors. If you have a bathroom on all floors of your house or work, start using the furthest one. Every time you do, do 10 wall pushups....Every couple of hours at work, get up, and walk the circumference of your office or building. Once...Twice if you have time! You can do this, but you have to STICK WITH THE PROGRAM! Feel free to add me, sometimes just seeing other people push every single day can be the motivation you need xo