I'm new to this and want to lose 50lbs

I want to lose 50lbs because the other day my freind took my picture and I didn't recognize myself and I'm also going to get married and I put off the wedding till I get back into shape and any and all help is appreciated.


  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    I've been feeling that way lately too "don't recognize myself", "let myself go". I didn't postpone the wedding ;) But do need to get back to my old self. Bit by bit. I used to be pretty fit and I guess took it too far and crashed hard. Good luck.
  • ladycleo_12
    ladycleo_12 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you and I use to weigh 110 lbs and now I'm 170lbs pushing 180 and I'm on the shorter side 5"2 so I looked like a oomph loopa in the picture she took:(
  • hugzeelaroo
    hugzeelaroo Posts: 29 Member
    I can relate. I had two pregnancies fairly close together and packed on a ton of weight. I used to be toned and very active and now get frustrated when I struggle doing things I used to do with ease. I have decided to commit myself to getting fit so I can be the healthiest version of myself for my family. You can do this! Feel free to add me!
  • liftzilla16
    liftzilla16 Posts: 59 Member
    The biggest question/best motivating words I can give you are these: how bad do you want it? If you want it bad, you'll get it! It may get hard down the road, but remember why you started and don't let anything stop you. Stay focused and kick *kitten*, best of luck!
  • cvillasana71
    cvillasana71 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking to lose 60lbs myself. Got off track this past year but I'm ready and motivated. Looking to motivate and be motivated.