How too shrink my stomach

I started a diet I am 55 yrs and 5-8 I started at 191lbs and I'm on my 4 week and lost 11lbs
My goal is 165. But I still have this ugly bowling bowl in my stomach. Due to back and knee problems it's hard for my to exercise but I do over 10000 steps. I can't seem to get lower then 180 it's been 4 days now and I have not changed my diet. My question is do I have to keep my cal is 1400 a day I have yet reached it yet. Not sure what to do I'm afraid I will gain it back


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Just keep at it. Fat doesn't always come off the way we want it to. First on - last off is how it goes. So far, 4 weeks and 11 pounds, seems you are doing just fine. Keep at it.
  • Lextmg86
    Lextmg86 Posts: 102 Member
    11 lbs in 4 weeks is actually pretty good. I actually have the same goal of 165 and have been steadily losing at around 1900-2000 cals a day and after 4 months, I am 3 pounds away. It takes an abundance of patience and consistency but it does pay off.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    You're doing great!
    Sometimes it doesn't happen as quickly as you want but don't stop.
    A lot of steps is great too.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Well first off a male should not be eating 1400 calories. Eating this little, you're losing fat and muscle (the muscle that is currently hidden under the fat you have). This is not a good recipe for losing the "bowling ball" belly, if anything by the time you reach your goal weight you'll just end up "skinny fat".
    This thread has been helpful for a lot of people in your situation
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    11 lbs in 4 weeks (2.75 lbs per weeks) is a great start. There's no spot reduction, you'll lose weight all over including your waist. Ignore all ads and youtube presentations that claim fast belly fat loss. Unfortunately the waist is usually the last area where fat will linger.

    Little or no weight loss for 4 days isn't long enough to change anything. Once you have that initial water weight loss, weight loss isn't linear. If you don't lose anything for 3-4 weeks than it's time to examine what you're doing.

    Whether you eat 1400 or 1800 calories is up to you, just make sure you're tracking correctly. I would recommend losing weight slower to minimize muscle loss. If you're guesstimating portion sizes, you'll be more prone to error, potentially eating more than you think.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Spot reduction isn't a thing. (I still have a bit of a gut after losing 40+ lbs, and it makes me *mad*. :) ) I do think you'll do better long-term if you focus on building a bit of muscle in your core area and maximizing your protein intake to reduce muscle loss. Having more muscle on your abs won't get rid of the bowl belly, but it will make your stomach look nice when the fat comes off. Having more core strength is also great for other exercises and will help your balance and your breathing. If back and knees are a problem, I'd recommend planks (if you can lock your knees straight) or bicycle crunches (if you can't lock your knees). Bicycle crunches are much more effective and hurt the back less than the regular kind, and I actually find them kind of fun.