I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -Philippians 4:13

My name is Trenton, I fell off the ban wagon and took a detour. Found myself along the way. I love health sciences, and physical fitness. Nutrition is something I am familiar with too. I am back on here to loose weight. I understand the social sciences and how seeing you see me will only motivate myself, visa versa. You want to loose weight? Be honest! Your talent will take you places your character cant handle. Add me. That's why I am here; to loose weight, and to help you loose weight too.
Bio graphics:
- Age:26
- Height:5'10"
- Weight:218
- Goal: -35Lbs
- Projected: 7months

When you want success as bad as you want to breath, that is when you will barely begin to see a glimpse of what your capable of, truly. BE VICTORIOUS.