Getting Back on the Wagon

LynzeeHarouff Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hello. I used to be really healthy. I lived for the gym and eating right..then I fell off the wagon. It's been about a year since I've been on a good routine and I'm starting again today. I am a little overwhelmed remembering the work it took to get on track long ago and I'm in need of some help staying on track. I'd love to make some friends on here to help me through and I hope I can return the favor.


  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome back!! I lost 40 lbs several years ago and kept it off until about 7 months ago when I packed on 20 lbs. so here I am back on track ( most days). with about 9 lbs left to lose to get back to my goal weight. You know what you need to do and you know you can do it because you have done it before. One day, one workout, one meal at a time.. We can do this AGAIN!!!