Lost 20 lbs the first time with this app

Lola81s Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Then gained it back after the loss of my brother. So I'm back at it again. My name is Andrea I'm 34 5'0 and weigh 147, trying to lose 30 lbs. I'm not crazy about exercise like i used to be lol so I incorporate detox teas, healthy green smoothies and lots of lemon water with healthier eating habits. Sounds crazy but it works, I also do some light walking.I'm glad to be back, motivated for a healthier lifestyle and positive changes.


  • 1111ace
    1111ace Posts: 34 Member
    Good job for getting started. Life changing circumstances are one of the most common reasons people put weight back on. Feel free to add me if you want some motivational support :smile:
  • Lola81s
    Lola81s Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! Will do :)
  • 4righteousnesssake
    4righteousnesssake Posts: 276 Member
    Hey, first step is the most important. Don't quit! Add me if you like. What kind of exercises do you or don't you like?
  • MaGaZgz
    MaGaZgz Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)
  • Oversyte
    Oversyte Posts: 482 Member
    :( Seeking positive vibes... im sure you'll find some here B)
  • Lewisg51
    Lewisg51 Posts: 220 Member
    Good luck with it, you can do it again easy. Sorry to hear about your loss .