Hi Everybody

1111ace Posts: 34 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I'm just starting to become consistent again in my efforts to be healthy. 2 years ago I lost 50 pounds got down to around 180. Since then I've gotten married and have had to learn what it's like to live a healthy lifestyle when it's not just me anymore, and have gained it all back and then some to a whopping 268!!!

Almost 2 weeks ago I started logging into MFP again and have since lost 7 pounds just from being mindful about how I eat and exercise. I'm really excited to be on the right track again. Please add me as a friend! the more support I have in my corner the better :)


  • 1111ace
    1111ace Posts: 34 Member
    <b>just testing out my html skills </b>
  • 1111ace
    1111ace Posts: 34 Member
    Didn't work lol
  • easyabz
    easyabz Posts: 41 Member
    What is with marriage and weight gain.lol apparently if you've been down to that weight before its a bit easier to return.
  • 1111ace
    1111ace Posts: 34 Member
    Lol that's great to hear at least I know what it takes!!! There's always something new to learn though. Being fat and happy can only go so far lol