Looking for Friends - I have Lupus and trying Paleo

shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
edited April 2016 in Introduce Yourself
HI! My name is Amy. I have been on MFP for awhile but I am "returning" after a long time not logging in or tracking in the food log.

I am 29, married with 2 kids. I did good losing weight after giving birth to my first (180 down to 155), then was happy with my weight but wanted to have another kid so here I am at about 185 pounds a year after giving birth to my son and I am 5'5. I lost it once so I know I can lose it again with a lot of motivation and support.

I have Systemic lupus erythematosus (my body attacks my tissue). I only have minor symptoms and I take plaquenil to prevent getting a rash on my arms and back. Having an autoimmune disease is annoying- there is no simple reason I got it and no cure. So I like reading stuff online about the theories about why people get autoimmune diseases.

With the massive information online about inflammation, damage to gut bacteria, etc. and how it MAY relate to autoimmune diseases, I try to stay away from gluten and I am starting a Whole30 today which is a strict paleo type elimination diet for 30 days that cuts out processed foods (and all grains really), so it helps me cut my cravings and helps me form healthier habits.

I just created a Whole30 group. Search for it if you want under Groups. It is called "Whole30- April/May" or something like that.

I am always looking for new friends on Myfitnesspal - I like following their progress and feeling like someone is in the same boat as me!

Friend me if you want to share in the Whole30 or paleo lifestyle or if you have an autoimmune disease! Also, if you think we have something in common!



  • mojojovie
    mojojovie Posts: 1 Member
    I just started whole30 on Monday, I'll join your group. It helps to do it as a community