
Hello to whoever is reading this!

I've been struggling with my weight all my life, and finally lost it and got to a weight where I was happy with myself. Well, this was 2 years ago when I was in high school. I am now a sophomore in college, and have gained all the weight back that I lost, plus an extra twenty pounds.

I have always struggled with anxiety and depression, and the stresses of college just make these problems 10 times worse. It has gotten so bad that my boyfriend doesn't even look at me the same. I know he loves me.. I just want him to look at me like he used to.. I want him to have a girlfriend he can be proud of and be able to show off again.

I have tried all weight loss pills, and they just don't seem to work. I really need to lose weight, so I hope that this site can help. Being able to talk about my feelings on here with other people who are going through the same thing is really going to help me, and I hope it will help whoever is reading this too!

Thank you guys for reading!! :smile:
