Looking to lose 62 pounds and try to stay focused

Hi everyone I'm on a mission to lose 62 pounds and I also need to stay focused on my goal and not cheat by getting sweets and soda and that has been a huge problem for me. I know I can do this I just need to change my diet and watch how much I eat and make sure that I log every meal and not make excuses. My daily exercise consist of either Walking, Swimming, or going to the gym and I've already seen changes from that it's just my diet that I need to change. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we take encourage each other.


  • DarleneMarie203
    DarleneMarie203 Posts: 56 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi longhorn1978! I just re-joined on Monday, April 4th after being away for 2 years! I want to lose 61 pounds! My problem is I can never stick with it long enough to lose all of the weight that I want to lose. :( I lost 25 pounds 2 years ago, started to have alot of stress in my life and gained it all back and more! I would love to be friends on here to support one another, so, feel free to add me. :)