reached goal weight and wondering what to do now?

de1amo Posts: 266 Member
i am about 2lbs over my goal weight but well within a healthy place on my bmi(23) --i am enjoying keeping within my dieting regime and eating very healthily--the cals i have are aiming me towards losing a lb a week so not too severe. i dont want to go onto maintenance cals because it basically means i can eat anything because my natural intake has never been high where i live now.--i find my self de-motivated towards going to the gym because i am still dieting and dont need the extre calories--i cant build muscle because of the lower protein intake--i dont know what my goal should be now? any advice?


  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Maybe challenge yourself running an a marathon or something like that... Where you still have goal to reach but you don't have to rely on those calories to be able to eat more. Or just cardio in general... Just a thought. I'm struggling with the same thing so I'll be curious what people might advise you ... =)
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    I'd say your goal is to maintain that. Too many people gain it back with the diet mentality.
    Congrats by the way!!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    When I reached my goal, I found that I started to slack on my workouts. I was a little upset by it because working out is still needed to maintain your goal weight besides just eating right. So, I changed my goal to decrease my total body fat percentage. Since doing that, I find myself right back in the gym pushing myself hard. I also found someone to train me in boxing, which I did not do before. The key, is to find a different goal and work to achieve that. Also, you can change your protein percentage in your settings and remember that when you add your calories burned, it adjusted your protein intake also.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal! You still need to exercise to maintain good health. Your heart benefis and it affects your overall health. Maybe you could go to gym three times a week for maintaining your weight. I like the advice on checking fat percentages. This is another way to guide you in your fitness level.
  • sophia0922
    sophia0922 Posts: 1 Member
    You've gotten some great ideas so far. I also believe it's best to continue exercising to maintain your weight and keep healthy. You'd be surprise how quickly the pounds you lost can find its way back in the places you hate. Congrats on reaching your goal! And keep working out. :smile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I agree, some great ideas here. I have not reached my goal yet but I also focus on my heart health and toning/muscle strength.

    CONGRATS on a job well done -
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    :flowerforyou: Yes, you received great tips but additionally make sure you keep logging in and keeping that record of what you are eating so that you mainain your nutritional balance as well as your healthy weight. I can't speak for everyone that has made maintenance mode but when I went to maintenance I focus on keeping my calories between the reduction caloric intake and the maintenance calorie goal and watch the nutrition. I made it back in April and went to maintenance about 5# over and I'm very satisfied with my results that I'm getting. :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations for getting to your goal! :bigsmile:
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i am about body lean mass plus 17pc fat--i would need to lose a further 5lbs to get to the lowest recommended target--this should happen by just losing very moderately by keeping on my enjoyable healthy diet. i could keep chasing it and then be asking the same question when i get to that level. i maintain happily a steady weight(loss) and i am in control of my diet. i moved out of the uk as an over weight person and have neither gained or lost until this recent health kick and diet whist living where i am now.--i am 47 and teach so the need for rippling body is just not necessary--my wife thinks i am low enough and i like to think being just short of all goals will keep me on the straight and narrow!! --i know i should keep fit for life but i tend to keep active by natural things like walking(clothed and hatted) and my healthy diet--i live in a hot climate now where running long distances outside is impossible as is most sport --the only thing i would possibly enjoy externally at my gym would be the outside pool but i am sun shy!!--i know the risk of regaining weight is great because i have lost and gained again but then i drove myself hard to the goal and just gave up and went back to normal uk eating--badly!!--i am better placed now and have used this system to have a more systimatic loss and control of the loss.
    many thanks for all your good wishes--i will always keep my log going and i will never put my calories up to maintain because i have just never eaten that much in this hot climate--i use to drink beer and eat nuts as a big part of my sins here but i have stopped the beer completely and eat a few almonds now for protein--if i drink alcohol at social things i drink raki(pernod) which has about a third of the calories of beer and more kick lol