working out in the HEAT help!

Today nearly KILLED me. I live on the EC and needless to say it gets hot in the summer. My gym is an hr away and I have no car so I walk it. I LOVE to walk. Whats 2 hours (roundtrip) and 7 miles to me? WORTH it, thats what. BUT THE HEAT. I dont know what to do now that its getting hot. I brought a huge water bottle and ran out half way through, I put on sunblock and basically sweated it off immediately. I have to work out, not going to the gym is not an option. Any tip for how to stay cool this summer while I do my cardio? Im tempted to give up and start working out at home but walking is the thing that changed my life. Help please :)


  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Is there any way you can bicycle there? Perhaps play around with to find a shorter route to walk? If you ran out of water, try to locate your walk where you can pass a grocery store or a park with water fountains and refill it.

    As for me, I would just change the time I go to the gym. I don't know what time of day you go, but early in the morning and later in the evenings it's cooler. Maybe leave your house when the sun has just risen, exercise and be home before 9 or 10 o'clock? That shouldn't be too hot. Good luck :happy:
  • labeachgirl
    labeachgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I agree, early in the morning or late afternoon/evenings are when I try to plan my hikes. I would see if there's a route that is near trees or buildings that offer shade at a particular time. I know that the later times offer me better shade where I am than the earlier times.
  • SisterhoodoftheShrinkingPants
    Ok, thats a good idea. I will try starting at 8:30 am tomorrow. There are no water sources unfortunately. Unless I go way off route. My bike just got stolen lol but thats a great idea too for when I replace it. I like the suggestions so far!
  • AmiAlcocer
    AmiAlcocer Posts: 18
    I live in an area with lots of different immigrants, lots of who have no choice but to walk everywhere a lot. What I've seen, and it works, is using an umbrella. It's like having portable shade. Keeps the sun from hitting you, so you don't heat up as much as you would otherwise. :)
  • kylamaries
    kylamaries Posts: 291
    Ok, thats a good idea. I will try starting at 8:30 am tomorrow. There are no water sources unfortunately. Unless I go way off route. My bike just got stolen lol but thats a great idea too for when I replace it. I like the suggestions so far!
    Oh, sorry to hear about the bike! I actually enjoy early morning workouts more than evening workouts! I wake up at 7 everyday, even if I don't exercise. It makes me feel like I accomplished something :happy:
  • starbeck33
    starbeck33 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in the same boat, I usually walk at our nearest park for exercise, but this heat is killing me. It's also because our house is cape cod style and horrible to try to cool down, so I feel constantly hot. I've shortened my walks to around the neighborhood after 7 p.m. when the sun goes down. But it's still bad. However, the heat has made my appetite go down, esp. around dinner, so I've been having smoothies for dinner or very light no-cook meals. So I guess there's that!
  • crblbrown
    crblbrown Posts: 9
    Oh, PLEASE don't give up! My daughter is a marathon runner, so I ask her what she does....she said she just ignores it. So, guess I am not much help!
  • DreaMuffin
    DreaMuffin Posts: 63 Member
    i know this is going to sound funny - but what about an ice pack? i bike to my gym, i'm also on the East Coast (102F today...what???!) the humidity is killer! i bought an ice pack for a pulled ligament in my knee a while back. it's been sitting in my fridge. i wrapped that thing around my upper arm. it seriously took the edge off!!
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    When you exercise outdoors on hot days, try and do it early in the morning or when the sun is starting to go down. If you must exercise during the heat of they day, make sure you stay hydrated and slow down if you feel like you're getting overheated.
  • Casilibre
    Casilibre Posts: 21
    I know how you feel! I live in northern Mexico, and it is so hot here! Like 30C by 8:30AM. Yuck! I walk 5 miles every day, and just have to go really early in the morning. I also try to walk where there is shade, as the sun is so strong. The umbrella idea is good, most of the people use them here, however on such long walks I don't really want to hold it. Good luck.
  • DreaMuffin
    DreaMuffin Posts: 63 Member
    you should probably just give up if a little thing like the weather is going to stop you.

    oh and whatever you not listen to this person.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    There are tons of tips if you Google something like working out in heat. One I haven't seen mentioned yet is wet a towel r hat and freeze. Then wear it on your walk. You can also wet your hat as you go along.
  • Megs081211
    Megs081211 Posts: 150
    Get one of those things you put in cold water and put around your neck (they swell and stay cool for hours) and maybe look into a camelpack.

    I got one of those neck things at wal mart for like 4 dollars, I filled a bowl with water and set it in the fridge then put the neck thingy in it.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I walk to and from work every day. I wear one thing walking and change when they get there. Especially now as I get hot when I am walking! Today was the hottest day yet this summer, and I had a job interview for a part-time job. I got off the bus at the terminal and instead of taking the another bus a short distance, I walked. Yeah, that was a mistake. Not only was it hot, I was dressed my best to impress, I was wearing a long sleeved suit jacket, hose and heels. I was so hot by the time I got there, I could feel the water running down my back as I was in the interview. The best part was the air conditioned buses I was able to get!

    I try to do my workout early in the morning before it gets to hot. I turn my fan on so it's blowing on me as I do it. It helps me some, not a whole lot, but it does help. I definitely make sure I have water after I'm done my workout though.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you should probably just give up if a little thing like the weather is going to stop you.

    oh and whatever you not listen to this person.

    this morning i got out of work at 5am, after working my second 12-hour night shift, and am currently on my third shift of this night rotation.

    i had my bike and and running gear with me, to go right after work to go exercise with my triathlon club. it was early, i hadn't slept. it was in the high eighties and it was humid. i still managed to work out for about an hour and fifteen minutes, getting in a 13 mile bike ride and a 3 mile run.

    i'm not going to let the weather hold me back. i'm here to achieve greatness. i'm not remotely interested in just being good.
  • jadisfeigns
    jadisfeigns Posts: 57 Member
    I do my exercises outside in Arizona, rollerblading/jogging, so yeah it's hot here. Maybe if you have to walk that far, you could bring a camelback (a backpack with a water bladder inside that has a tube that extends out). That way you don't run out of water :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The good news is that you will acclimate. I know we've been having a whacked out spring/summer in the east this year, temperatures all over the place but maybe summer has finally arrived and will stick around for a while.

    Are you wearing a hat when you go out? Anything to keep the sun off your head will make you feel a little cooler.

    Earlier in the morning has already been you know why 5AM or so is my favourite time to run.

    Bear with it......soon enough the leaves will be changing and we'll be complaining about how cold it is in the winter! :laugh:
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    You'd be surprised the difference a hat makes.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    A hat does make a huge difference if you are out in the sun. If its safe, go while its still dark out, like maybe 6am. I love running and watching the sun come up:) Also, I wait until around 7:30 pm to walk, and it feels so much different than even 7, just because the sun is low enough that it is behind the trees and not beating down on me anymore Otherwise, working out at home is great fun. I do different dvds everyday..