Help, How many calories should I eat?

When I enter into MFP that I want to lose 2 lbs a week, it tells me to eat 1,360 cals.
This is working well for me, I am losing 2 lbs a week. I'm likin it!!


  • lovetolose20
    lovetolose20 Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry, I had more, but it didn't post it.
    I see other people talk about TDEE. Is this the best way to go? It has me eating a few hundred more cals a day. I'm concerned that if I eat that many calories I'll maintain or lose so slowly that I give up. What should I do?
    SW 224
    CW 204
    GE 170
    5'10" female
    38 yrs
    Lift weights 3 days week
    Walk 2 days week
    Thanks for your help :)

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just use the numbers MFP gives you - no need to do any more calculations. At your weight it will be easy to lose for a while. Make sure you go in and recalculate your goals when MFP prompts you to do so. I ate a couple hundred more (exercise calories) on days I exercised - always. The exercise calories MFP gave me worked fine. It was good motivation for me.

    I kept good records, so I knew what was working and was able to adjust.

    I would say at about 185 you'll need to up your calories quite a bit, so look out for uncomfortable hunger, fatigue, irritability. That was my clue to switch it up. If you keep updating your goals as you lose, this won't be an issue. This site will gradually add calories as YOU CHANGE OVER FROM LOSING 2 POUNDS TO LOSING 1 POUND PER WEEK.

    The "2 Pounds per week" setting is not meant to continue for long. I started feeling off, probably around 200 pounds or a little under. I switched to "1 Pound per week" around then. I was on 1200, though. I am shorter and older so you can't really use my numbers. You have to do a little experimenting. My maintenance is around 1800 - yours may be higher since you are younger and taller.
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    I wouldn't change anything. You are going in the right direction and it is obviously working.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    We're somewhat close in stats, @lovetolose20. I'm 5'9", 41 years old, SW 195, CW 177, GW 165.

    For a different perspective, in case what you are doing quits working:

    I eat TDEE minus 10%. My intention is to lose slowly and steadily on a plan I can maintain over the long run. I currently eat 1930 calories per day (you do NOT eat exercise calories back if you do this). My maintenance calories are approximately 2200 per day. I would not stick to my plan very long if I was eating less.

    You can calculate your TDEE at

    Note: TDEE is not the same as BMR (many people assume these are the same thing.) TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, the amount of calories you burn every day, doing everything you do. BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate, which is the least amount of calories your body needs to survive if you were doing absolutely nothing, basically bed-ridden.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    @quiksylver296 how much weight do you lose eating TDEE- 10% ?

    I'm 46 female
    SW 224
    CW 215
    GW 146

    5ft 2

    Mine says TDEE 2159 so - 10% it's 1943 I'm only eating 1500 I lost 12lbs in 6 weeks then nothing for 3 weeks then gained 1 then 2 I weigh measure everything strictly I do feel hungry I'm wondering if upping my calories would help me lose.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited April 2016
    size102b wrote: »
    @quiksylver296 how much weight do you lose eating TDEE- 10% ?

    I'm 46 female
    SW 224
    CW 215
    GW 146

    5ft 2

    Mine says TDEE 2159 so - 10% it's 1943 I'm only eating 1500 I lost 12lbs in 6 weeks then nothing for 3 weeks then gained 1 then 2 I weigh measure everything strictly I do feel hungry I'm wondering if upping my calories would help me lose.

    About .25 to .5 pounds per week, on average. I have it set that slow on purpose. I want a sustainable plan that I don't have to modify much when I get to goal weight.

    My only caution is to recheck your TDEE as you lose weight, every 15 pounds or so, because it's going to drop as you get smaller.

    You can also subtract 15% if you'd like to lose a little faster with more calories to eat. That would give you 1835 calories per day and a bit quicker weight loss.

    Do you own and use a food scale and religiously log everything? It was when I started doing this that everything fell into place.

    Good luck, @size102b
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    @quiksylver296 how much weight do you lose eating TDEE- 10% ?

    I'm 46 female
    SW 224
    CW 215
    GW 146

    5ft 2

    Mine says TDEE 2159 so - 10% it's 1943 I'm only eating 1500 I lost 12lbs in 6 weeks then nothing for 3 weeks then gained 1 then 2 I weigh measure everything strictly I do feel hungry I'm wondering if upping my calories would help me lose.

    About .25 to .5 pounds per week, on average. I have it set that slow on purpose. I want a sustainable plan that I don't have to modify much when I get to goal weight.

    My only caution is to recheck your TDEE as you lose weight, every 15 pounds or so, because it's going to drop as you get smaller.

    You can also subtract 15% if you'd like to lose a little faster with more calories to eat. That would give you 1835 calories per day and a bit quicker weight loss.

    Do you own and use a food scale and religiously log everything? It was when I started doing this that everything fell into place.

    Good luck, @size102b

  • lovetolose20
    lovetolose20 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it!