Serious accountability partner needed

I want to lose 30 lbs while building up more lean muscle. I have a lot of muscle but a lot of Fat too.I'm almost 2 years post partum and when I was pregnant I gained 72 lbs. I lost 64 of it but then gained 10 snack when I started working again.I currently weigh 159. A month ago I went to the bod pod and they said I was 40.2 percent body fat ugh:( I wanna get under 30. I really struggle with my nutrition. I bust my *kitten* at the gym doing cross fit, running, elliptical, weights, etc but in the end it doesn't matter because my nutrition sucks. My calorie goal is 1400-1500. I need an accountability partner who is extremely motivated and won't just be like "oh you'll do better tomorrow" because thats what I tell myself and guess what?it's not working! Anyone willing to be in contact with me frequently that has similar goals?


  • Fitmomcomingsoon92
    Fitmomcomingsoon92 Posts: 12 Member
    Yah I need some.tough love lol
  • jpoutney
    jpoutney Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends and my current daily calorie allotment is 1,410/day. I'm usually below or just around it. I try not to eat back my exercise calories. A little about me: I gained 60 with baby #1, 45 with #2 and 30 with #3 (learned as I went along...). Long story short, lost my Mom and undiagnosed hypothyroidism put me up to 210 (I am 5'8). Now on meds for my thyroid and eating well. Currently around 180 with a goal of 139.9 (my pre-pregnancy was 140 so I want to see 139.9 just for the hell of it). I like spinning at the gym, have to walk my dog daily, trying to get into running (you'll have to be patient with me here because I'm seeing physio for a hip/knee issue right now) and want to get back into soccer or something fun (hard because girls are now 12,9 & 6). I have another accountability partner who I check in with daily and occasionally send pictures of our food back & forth. Not sure how to do pics on MFP, but maybe if we're good at checking in with each other we'd be comfortable sharing email down the road? I'm not a psycho BTW...totally normal ;-)
  • Fitmomcomingsoon92
    Fitmomcomingsoon92 Posts: 12 Member
    jpoutney wrote: »
    Feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends and my current daily calorie allotment is 1,410/day. I'm usually below or just around it. I try not to eat back my exercise calories. A little about me: I gained 60 with baby #1, 45 with #2 and 30 with #3 (learned as I went along...). Long story short, lost my Mom and undiagnosed hypothyroidism put me up to 210 (I am 5'8). Now on meds for my thyroid and eating well. Currently around 180 with a goal of 139.9 (my pre-pregnancy was 140 so I want to see 139.9 just for the hell of it). I like spinning at the gym, have to walk my dog daily, trying to get into running (you'll have to be patient with me here because I'm seeing physio for a hip/knee issue right now) and want to get back into soccer or something fun (hard because girls are now 12,9 & 6). I have another accountability partner who I check in with daily and occasionally send pictures of our food back & forth. Not sure how to do pics on MFP, but maybe if we're good at checking in with each other we'd be comfortable sharing email down the road? I'm not a psycho BTW...totally normal ;-)

    Send me a friend request it won't allow me to!
  • I will be I need a partner too I need to lose 20 lbs
    I need support also and good and bad comments to keep my butt going.
  • HackerTribe
    HackerTribe Posts: 6 Member
    Sent you ladies some friend requests. This is my third time dieting/working out and the first time it actually stuck. 3rd time is the charm I guess. I am not perfect but I too would like some more lady friends serious about this getting fit. I like being able to constantly see on my phone updates and statuses from others from MFP. Helps me keep going.
  • spin0055
    spin0055 Posts: 7 Member
    I gained 50 lbs with my LO who I had in July 2014. I was down to my pre pregnancy weight and then in the last 2 months I put on 15 lbs (mainly due to stress). I want to get to 155 (I'm at 200 now). I'm tired of being fat and I'm sick of never wanting to be in pictures with my daughter! I will take all the friends I can get to keep me motivated!