The post I was GOING to make...



  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Mini M&M's are superior.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wakey618 wrote: »
    Oh. My. God!!!!!

    hey, it's not that far over and you logged it, which is imo important.

    btw, i have chocolate daily, and consider it one of the food groups :D
  • redmaryclare
    redmaryclare Posts: 33 Member
    I trick myself by having a small piece of chocolate just after my breakfast, which seems really wicked. So my Rebellios Child gets its kicks early on and feelings of deprivation don't come. Well it works for me. If I eat the same chocolate at nightime after resisting all day I will eat another and another....
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    =/ leave money at home, do you really need to bring money with you?

    I need to try that. At least if I want to binge I'll have to go to the trouble of getting $$ out of the ATM, then getting the right change for the vending machine.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    You aren't going to sabotage yourself with one mistake. As a former binge eater, I can tell you that the negative feelings associated with a binge are what hinders your progress more than the actual calories do. Don't feel like you have to punish yourself; just eat normally the rest of the day. Tomorrow is a clean slate.
    This helps. I feel terrible and I know what feeling emotionally down can cause me to do (end up where I'm at!). Thank you.

  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    Wakey618 wrote: »
    Oh. My. God!!!!!

    Oh please. What is your deficit? Let me guess you want to lose 2 pounds a week as your goal right? Well that red number means that this week you will only lose 1.5 pounds. IF every day you do the same thing.

    This is a non-issue.

    Perspective. Balance. Reasonableness. Practice these things.

    Not sure what my deficit is. Yes, 2 lbs/week is my goal. At the end of every day, when I'm at or under my calorie goal, the amount it says I'll lose in 5 weeks is way lower than I need it to be, so I'm going slightly under 1,200 calories/day.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    valente347 wrote: »
    And if you need to, allow the treat when it's harder to binge. See if you can wait to stop by the vending machine when you're on your way home for the day and eat the chocolate in the car or on the train. Your first bag is less likely to lead to a second one because you probably don't have that kind of convenience in your house.
    This is a great idea! Though I'm not planning to allow the "first bag", this is a good trick.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    OP, sometimes when you invest too much emotion in food - guilt, regret, worthiness, etc - those feelings lead to overdoing it. "Well, I blew it, I might as well eat everything in the vending machine because I'm an idiot and a pig!" Have you ever tried giving yourself permission to have one serving of a "treat" every day? No guilt, just fit it in your calories?

    I eat a serving of something many people would consider "off limits" every day - chocolate, ice cream, a soda, chips. I'm fine with one serving, because I know I'm going to have some tomorrow too. And the day after. And I don't feel bad about it, because I planned it and stuck to the plan. I'm not saying it would work for everyone, just something to think about.

    And as someone else mentioned, make sure you aren't restricting calories too much. When I was losing, I set my goal to 1/2 lb per week so I could stay happy and on track. It was slow as all get out, but I was able to stick to it and now maintain it. Good luck!

    I've only been doing this for 4 weeks, and have successfully had 1-2 pieces of candy at a time, a few times. Today was the first big slip.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    Mini M&M's are superior.

    Mini M&Ms are like crack.

    For peanut chocolate goodness See's peanut clusters are superior. Probably good that there isn't one nearby and the cost of shipping is a fine deterrent. :)
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    Sometimes, not always, we binge because our bodies are freaking the freak out that we're not feeding them enough. Take it from someone (me) who has a lot of experience exerting and trying to exert my will to be thin over the needs of my body: Consider the long-term outcomes of the paths you're on, and don't underestimate your body's ability to control your mind.

    It's possible (I don't know how tall you are or anything) that these uncontrollable binges are a result of your body being desperately hungry. Plus, honestly, two bags of peanut m and m's isn't a binge. I know it can feel awful to see those red numbers, but like previous posters have pointed out, you're probably not even up to maintenance at this point. If you hate seeing the color red, set your loss rate lower. Better to lose 0.5 lb per week and feel great than try to loose 2.0 lb per week and end up pigging out on candy, giving up, or just feeling bad about yourself. If you set it at 0.5 and you always come in 50-100 cals under, you could lose more than you expect. Wouldn't that be awesome?

    ETA: If you want to feel not so bad about your candy splurge check out my entry for dinner on March 25, my diary is open. B)

    So many good things in here I couldn't cut anything out. Love "don't underestimate your body's ability to control your mind". I don't often think of it like that. I believe what set me going on this was having too much fruit, therefore too much sugar (albeit natural), or at least more than my body has been used to. It got a taste and wanted more more more more more...
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    1,600 for the day is not a binge.
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    So could relate. peanut m & ms are complete binge food for me -- totally easier not to eat them at all. Maybe someday (maybe in an alternate universe) but not today. Right now I could really get in trouble with sugary stuff so I am chewing sugar free gum, and drinking water. Soon time to eat my next meal, and I will be OK today.
  • Wakey618
    Wakey618 Posts: 160 Member
    Now that I've had time to calm down and read all the great posts, I realize why I reacted the way I did. I know this isn't a major deal but I've been doing so well on everything and when I felt myself losing control this afternoon, it scared the heck outta me! It's the loss of something/someone besides me was in control. I know that I AM in control, even though it doesn't feel like it at times. Nobody put a gun to my head and made me eat the M&Ms!!

    Also, I have a very firm deadline and weight-loss goal I'm shooting for, and it is very reasonable and do-able. I just need to get back in the saddle. *queue Aerosmith's Back in the Saddle Again B)