Question for lifters.. experienced, helpful, tips only... please



  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    SonyaCele wrote: »
    if you do heavy leg day at home one day and then go to class the next day and its leg day, you can go easy and make it an active recovery day. Class workouts are only as difficult as you make them, and its totally fine to skip exercises in class or turn a heavy movement into a yoga pose.

    The class is not something I can really go easy on.. on say a leg day I would still be doing say 65+ lbs until burnout and he'll have us move into sprints, or core, or whatever the day entails.. that's the hard part. I can take it easy at home but the class does not allow you to take your time...

    Thanks for the info though.. I appreciate it

    What are you lifting at home for heavy lifts? Your gym workout doesn't seem to jive with heavy lifting goals.

    Home could be 80-90lb squats... and not everyone heavy lifting goals are the same.. that's just me..

    I wasn't poking at your lifts, just trying to see what heavy is vs burnout weight. If your heavy is still 8-10 rep range then burnouts won't completely hinder progress, if you were going for fewer reps and higher weight, it'd start to pose an issue. You do need recovery, but if you like results from the class it won't kill you. I don't think you need to do the burnouts, though. Maybe ask if he can work around your other lifting so you can get supplemental work in and you can focus on your main lifts on your own.