what do you to jumpstart yourself?

We've all fallen off the wagon - what do you do to pump yourself up to start again?
Do you do it slow and steady or start with a sprint? What finally convinces you to start again?


  • erillyn
    erillyn Posts: 65 Member
    As corny as it sounds I watch youtube videos of success stories. It makes the journey I need to take to rid myself of weight, it's pitty compared to some of these people and if they can get their butt into gear, so can I.

    And one thing that might not work for every one, but I imagine myself in my wedding dress (I'm getting married May of 2014), and it makes me want to kick myself into high gear so I can be as beautiful in the dress on the outside as I know I am going to feel on the inside.
  • adioschubs
    adioschubs Posts: 384 Member
    Success stories on MFP and coffee :wink:
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I just was on vacation for two weeks and part of that was a writers convention (we drink a lot, smoke a lot and enjoy food a lot). I totally fell off the wagon as I was in New Orleans and I don't think the wagon even goes there!

    I started back slowly I guess, first with getting my eating back on track by tracking it. Not focusing on they kinds of food, but just tracking it which then pushed me towards making better choices. Then once my eating was pretty much back I started to deal with the exercise - first with every day stuff and then finally getting my actual work out in.

    Looks good to see it when you track it. I find it is good motivation to get things back in alignment.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Watching sucess videosnworks for me too also watching extreme weight loss or other weight loss shows helps and I have to just do it not baby steps but just go for it
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Pen and piece of paper. Make a plan for the next week and stick to it!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks Ladies :)
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I've been off the wagon for MONTHS! Can't figure out my problem. Lazy I guess. Looking forward to the suggestions here... Maybe... Hopefully... I will get back to it!
  • garciabnm
    garciabnm Posts: 138
    i look at old pictures from the past, when i promised myself to never get that way again. Thaat usually does it for me.
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    is going over almost everyday a week ago and was only excersising 2-4 times a week and never on weekends
    i decided to motivate myself best i can.

    this is my 7th day in a row waking up and excersising.
    what i did was print off a bunch of modivational fitness quotes, stuck them on my wall in a spot thats the first place i look when i wake up lol also my screen saver on my phone is full of them and yesterday i made a new alarm on repeat monday - friday @ 5:30 am, which is when my bf leaves for work so its not as hard for me, the alarm says "excuses dont burn calories" hahaha, its worked so far :)
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I'm in maintenance, but re exercise:
    - Clothes feeling tight (absolutely no more changes in size, ever)
    - Feeling crappy for too long. I know for a fact that if I do something physical, I will feel better. The connection is so direct, & the effects so immediate, it's not even a question.
    - Bathing suits (flabadabadoo)

    also, i start thinking about/planning a new program, that psychs me up.
  • marieskee
    marieskee Posts: 120 Member
    I just started doing this the other day, eat in front of the mirror. I watch myself eating anything that I shouldn't.
    So far I have been doing ok with this method.

    Anyway I will go for a jog or pop in a Jillian Michaels dvd to redeem myself.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I try to shake things up a little with new recipes, workouts,etc. Usually altering my routine in some way will help keep me motivated.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've recently jumped back on the wagon. I had initially started this journey intending to get lap band surgery and then decided against it because I was doing so well.

    THEN I had skin removal surgery around my belly, and had a hard time with the recovery. I've been slowly "gearing myself up" for the restart, and then set some parameters for how much weight I'd have to gain before meeting the surgeon for the lap-band discussion again.

    Well, this morning, I've jumped back on full force. I'm about 5 pounds away from that mark. It's been all about convincing myself that I know what to do - I've done it before, and there's nothing that will prevent it from working again except for me not doing it. SO, need to just "adjust my attitude" and do it.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I totally fell off the wagon as I was in New Orleans and I don't think the wagon even goes there!

    :laugh: TRUE!!!

    I love looking at success stories also. I see people who have gone from way worse shape than me to WAYYY better shape than me in sometimes a pretty short amount of time.
    I just started doing this the other day, eat in front of the mirror. I watch myself eating anything that I shouldn't.
    So far I have been doing ok with this method.

    Anyway I will go for a jog or pop in a Jillian Michaels dvd to redeem myself.

  • EyeBite
    EyeBite Posts: 35 Member
    I think discovering an activity that brings you a psychological high does the trick. Running/cycling/zumba never quite did that for me. Just the thought of that one thing should start bringing out the endorphins that, in turn, get you going even more. Getting out of bed, getting dressed, the drive over to the gym or pushing play or whatever you do before you actually begin working out should get you inching more toward being fully turned on.

    How much persuasion will you really need to do what rocks your boat, especially if you can get better or have the potential to perform at a higher standard?

    Find what really gets your wheels spinning. Do research and find inspiration that focuses on that one thing and have fun. I've never heard of someone needing to be motivated to have fun. Mix it up. Doing one thing 5-6 days a week gets old a d boring.
  • EyeBite
    EyeBite Posts: 35 Member
    I just started doing this the other day, eat in front of the mirror. I watch myself eating anything that I shouldn't.
    So far I have been doing ok with this method.

    Anyway I will go for a jog or pop in a Jillian Michaels dvd to redeem myself.

    Aww. I think that's rather sad more than strange.

    I wonder what are you saying and thinking to yourself while you are eating in the mirror? Eat healthy most of the time and enjoy the time when you aren't. 1 large slice...even 2 will not make you fat. A life style of eating junk everyday will no?

    I've never heard someone say they are fat because they had a bad week last Christmas.