Marathon Training Fuel for Vegans

I'm in training for my next marathon. Just completed a half marathon which is perfect timing in order to ease right into marathon training. So while I'm doing this I have decided to switch things up. I'm doing a 60 day vegan challenge. Yes this is self inflicted. Kidding! I want to do this but for now 60 days is baby steps.

So the point of this is....What on earth can I use to refuel me during my training runs/ race that is natural? Yes I know there's always Gu but I'm looking to find out what an elite vegan athlete eats. i purchased Organic Bee Stinger's Gel before my 60 day vegan challenge so it looks like that is out of the question. In the meantime for my next 14 mile run I plan on running on pitted dates. I will let you know how that goes. Anyone been there done that?


  • Veggiebeat
    Veggiebeat Posts: 26 Member
    I've only completed one marathon and I'm far from elite, so I know I'm not exactly the respondent you're looking for, but I figured I'd let you know what the Joe Schmoe does. I found bars preferable to Gu. Dates would be good, but Lara bars are made from just fruit (usually dates) and nuts and are very portable. Most favors are vegan. Many Cliff bar flavors are vegan, though they're not as "clean" as the Lara bars, if that's what youre looking for. I don't know what gear you train with, but if you break a bar or two in half and cover them in plastic wrap they fit in the small pouch in a Fuel Belt.

    Also, don't forget about liquids! I like Nuun sports drink tabs. Most favors are vegan, though not a "clean" product, I prefer that to Gatorade he. I've heard you can make your own or use coconut water, but I haven't personally done that.

    Good luck!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I am not awesome enough for a marathon yet but I am a vegan and also a distance runner!
    I love clif bars although, like veggiebeat said, they are not as clean as lara bars or just dates.
    Vega bars are great and Vega makes intra-workout products as well so they might have something that would fit what you are looking for!
    I haven't tried dates during a run but I am totally going to!

    As for drinks, I second Nuun. Ultima Replenisher is another good one.
  • vec2013
    vec2013 Posts: 30 Member
    Vega protein powder which was created by vegan triathlete Brendan Brazier ( who also wrote a great book called the Thrive diet). The book has great recipes.
  • dynamiteglow
    dynamiteglow Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the input ! You all are awesome! I've tried the coconut water tends to swell me up a bit too much like Gatorade...I assume a little better but in the end with the same result. So I guess I'm off to Lara bars! Thanks a bunch!
