clean eating challenge

tdotali Posts: 181 Member
Are you wanting some help and support to clean up your eating?! If you do, I'll be starting an accountability group on Facebook. The official start date is the 15th but we'll be prepping a week before. I'm doing the group on facebook because I find it to be an easier forum to have discussions.

Clean eating means eating the way nature intended. So no sugary, processed foods. Basically choose a healthy way of eating and stick to it for 15 days.

The basic set up of the challenge is this:
- A commitment to focus on fitness and eating right for 15 days - that's only 2 weeks and a day! You can totally commit to that!
- workout 5-6 days a week - a combination of strength with cardio
- use MFP daily
- post MFP and exericses daily
EX: Day 34/90
Cardio X

Use the forum for accountability and motivation. A place to share frustrations and accomplishments.
If this interests you, say yes and I'll send you the link to the group!
Hope y'all join me! <3
