Need support this dieting stuff is hard


  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    It is not called dieting. It's called healthy eating dear. :)

    Shalu <3
  • TerriK14
    TerriK14 Posts: 75 Member
    It can be hard at first! Think of it as a lifestyle not a diet, it is to help you stay healthy and happy. Diet is such a harsh word. I have sent you a request.
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    It definitely is hard. I like to find better options like fiber one bars or low calorie ice cream for sweets. Lean beef for burgers, baked chips, light beer etc. It's not easy but it is what it is and you CAN do it. Add me if you'd like support on your activity feeds! (Goes for anyone ;))
  • Shalini0072016
    Shalini0072016 Posts: 269 Member
    Well. You can try my Indian Vegetarian recipes. Where you can find all kinds of recipes. @chrlslove7
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hard at first, but the more you work at it, the easier it becomes until you don't even really think about it too much anymore.

    Time will pass whether you do something or not. I am sure glad I did it and stuck with it when I seriously committed back in 2013.
  • JuanSLOjourney
    JuanSLOjourney Posts: 62 Member
    Yes it is. I am hoping that I can find more good foods that actually taste great to make it easier!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    You can do it! :D It's only as hard as any habit, I promise. Starting is bumpy, but once you get into the mindset, you really enjoy eating better because of the way it'll make you feel. I suggest going on pinterest and looking up "healthy recipes", there's so many ideas out there for you to try.

    Do you need help with anything in particular? Ditching sodas, finding better options at restaurants, dealing with cravings?
  • smit7633
    smit7633 Posts: 182 Member
    My advise is to find tour kryptonite and avoid it at all costs. If you're like most people here, willpower is not your strong suite. Find that one activity, food, behavior, habit, place, or person that always seems to get you off track and get it out of your life.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me I'm on here everyday
  • Well. You can try my Indian Vegetarian recipes. Where you can find all kinds of recipes. @chrlslove7

    :) ok
  • smit7633 wrote: »
    My advise is to find tour kryptonite and avoid it at all costs. If you're like most people here, willpower is not your strong suite. Find that one activity, food, behavior, habit, place, or person that always seems to get you off track and get it out of your life.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me I'm on here everyday

    Ok i will thanks u can add me too junk food seems to be my weakness
  • Kkallisti wrote: »
    You can do it! :D It's only as hard as any habit, I promise. Starting is bumpy, but once you get into the mindset, you really enjoy eating better because of the way it'll make you feel. I suggest going on pinterest and looking up "healthy recipes", there's so many ideas out there for you to try.

    Do you need help with anything in particular? Ditching sodas, finding better options at restaurants, dealing with cravings?

    Yes im trying to stick with a low carb im doing better then i was
  • juanjm1978 wrote: »
    Yes it is. I am hoping that I can find more good foods that actually taste great to make it easier!

    Aman me too
  • chrlslove7 wrote: »
    It definitely is hard. I like to find better options like fiber one bars or low calorie ice cream for sweets. Lean beef for burgers, baked chips, light beer etc. It's not easy but it is what it is and you CAN do it. Add me if you'd like support on your activity feeds! (Goes for anyone ;))

    Ok u can add me too
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    Add me. It gets easier. Especially when you see results!
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Kkallisti wrote: »
    You can do it! :D It's only as hard as any habit, I promise. Starting is bumpy, but once you get into the mindset, you really enjoy eating better because of the way it'll make you feel. I suggest going on pinterest and looking up "healthy recipes", there's so many ideas out there for you to try.

    Do you need help with anything in particular? Ditching sodas, finding better options at restaurants, dealing with cravings?

    Yes im trying to stick with a low carb im doing better then i was

    Low carb (for me, at least) means giving up bread/grains and getting carbs only from plants. I suggest looking up keto recipes.