Tall girls Trouble !



  • missjelly20
    missjelly20 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey girls , ( and maybe some men ) I am nineteen years old , 5'10 , and weigh 190 lbs. (started out in february at 217) . So ive lost some weight and I am looking to get down to 160 so ive got 30 lbs to go. A lot of people have told me I carry my weight very well because i am tall. People have told me that if i lose even more weight i will look "tall and scrony" I believe 190 for me is not a healthy weight, ive got a lot of toning to do because my skin is very lose and i have cellulite on my legs and bum , i believe it is getting better but im not satisfied yet . Since february ive only noticed a LITTLE bit of change in my body. Ive lost 25 pounds and feel better but in a way almost look the same. Maybe it is because i am look at myself in the mirror everyday? Maybe i should try on some tighter fitting close to see if they fit properly now? It's discouraging to me to not look different then when i started. I dont have any before pics. Just pictures of myself at 195, so i have nothing to compare myself too whichis even more frustrating. Also nobody else has been commenting on my weight loss. I mean , my boyfriend says i look and feel smaller but he as well sees me everyday. The scale keeps dropping but my body is not having the results id hoped for being at this weight.

    Love that you're so determined. Keep in mind, though, that us tall girls do look a lot better if we carry a bit more weight than other people. I'm 6' 2", an athlete and I surpassed 130lbs a LONG time ago. It isn't healthy, or comfortable for that matter, to shrink past what looks good. For example, I'm 190lbs and I need some toning up, for sure, but I'm still at a very flexible, healthy weight. Embrace being a big girl, it's a blessing!
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    Hey girls , ( and maybe some men ) I am nineteen years old , 5'10 , and weigh 190 lbs. (started out in february at 217) . So ive lost some weight and I am looking to get down to 160 so ive got 30 lbs to go. A lot of people have told me I carry my weight very well because i am tall. People have told me that if i lose even more weight i will look "tall and scrony" I believe 190 for me is not a healthy weight, ive got a lot of toning to do because my skin is very lose and i have cellulite on my legs and bum , i believe it is getting better but im not satisfied yet . Since february ive only noticed a LITTLE bit of change in my body. Ive lost 25 pounds and feel better but in a way almost look the same. Maybe it is because i am look at myself in the mirror everyday? Maybe i should try on some tighter fitting close to see if they fit properly now? It's discouraging to me to not look different then when i started. I dont have any before pics. Just pictures of myself at 195, so i have nothing to compare myself too whichis even more frustrating. Also nobody else has been commenting on my weight loss. I mean , my boyfriend says i look and feel smaller but he as well sees me everyday. The scale keeps dropping but my body is not having the results id hoped for being at this weight.

    Love that you're so determined. Keep in mind, though, that us tall girls do look a lot better if we carry a bit more weight than other people. I'm 6' 2", an athlete and I surpassed 130lbs a LONG time ago. It isn't healthy, or comfortable for that matter, to shrink past what looks good. For example, I'm 190lbs and I need some toning up, for sure, but I'm still at a very flexible, healthy weight. Embrace being a big girl, it's a blessing!

    Wow thanks for your advice :blush: !!! I admit us tall girls do look good in the 160-180 range , My main goal is to have a very tight , toned body , which mean i need to loose this extra weight that ive put on in the past two years. Not watching what i eat really got to me but, im happy im back on the right track now. Down to 190 and 30 more to go which I am going to accomplish by the middle/end of summer. Of corse by summer id like to be down to 170 which i think is a realistic goal. Hopefully my legs are nice and toned by then because I have a lot of cellulite , i know weight training nd squats will be good to tone them up as well as running at the end of my workouts.
  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    tcarp8 wrote: »
    Whatever you weighed in your profile pic looks very good.

    That is me now in my profile picture, the picture was taken on March 30th 2016 so i was at 193 and im 190 now. Like i said before, people dont believe i weigh as much as i do. Ive had people on MFP inbox me asking why I have an old picture of myself as my profile picture lol THIS IS MY CURRENT PICTURE ! I feel most of my weight comes from my legs and bum , ive played hockey for 13 years so my legs have gotten pretty big from that but, ive still got a long way to go.

    Hockey-playing women, and powerful legs are hot!
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    5'10 and I'm at 190 also. People don't understand why i want to lose weight. They're like " you're curvy and that's good". I'm trying to get down to 145.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I could have written this post!!! I am 5'11 and 250lbs but people always guess my weight is 170 :D I guess it's not a terrible problem to have! Since you're taller, your weight loss will be more noticeable the more you lose. It took about -40lbs for anyone to comment on my loss. Hang in there!
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    Six feet here and down 22. I don't have a weight goal in mind, just fit of clothes and tone. I love that I can carry a hugger weight better. FWIW, I think you look great!
  • GRLakerGirl
    GRLakerGirl Posts: 92 Member
    5'10 and I'm at 190 also. People don't understand why i want to lose weight. They're like " you're curvy and that's good". I'm trying to get down to 145.

    We are pretty much the same size with the same goal! I'm 5'9" and have 15 to go...

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Hey girls , ( and maybe some men ) I am nineteen years old , 5'10 , and weigh 190 lbs. (started out in february at 217) . So ive lost some weight and I am looking to get down to 160 so ive got 30 lbs to go. A lot of people have told me I carry my weight very well because i am tall. People have told me that if i lose even more weight i will look "tall and scrony" I believe 190 for me is not a healthy weight, ive got a lot of toning to do because my skin is very lose and i have cellulite on my legs and bum , i believe it is getting better but im not satisfied yet . Since february ive only noticed a LITTLE bit of change in my body. Ive lost 25 pounds and feel better but in a way almost look the same. Maybe it is because i am look at myself in the mirror everyday? Maybe i should try on some tighter fitting close to see if they fit properly now? It's discouraging to me to not look different then when i started. I dont have any before pics. Just pictures of myself at 195, so i have nothing to compare myself too whichis even more frustrating. Also nobody else has been commenting on my weight loss. I mean , my boyfriend says i look and feel smaller but he as well sees me everyday. The scale keeps dropping but my body is not having the results id hoped for being at this weight.

    Love that you're so determined. Keep in mind, though, that us tall girls do look a lot better if we carry a bit more weight than other people. I'm 6' 2", an athlete and I surpassed 130lbs a LONG time ago. It isn't healthy, or comfortable for that matter, to shrink past what looks good. For example, I'm 190lbs and I need some toning up, for sure, but I'm still at a very flexible, healthy weight. Embrace being a big girl, it's a blessing!

    Wow thanks for your advice :blush: !!! I admit us tall girls do look good in the 160-180 range , My main goal is to have a very tight , toned body , which mean i need to loose this extra weight that ive put on in the past two years. Not watching what i eat really got to me but, im happy im back on the right track now. Down to 190 and 30 more to go which I am going to accomplish by the middle/end of summer. Of corse by summer id like to be down to 170 which i think is a realistic goal. Hopefully my legs are nice and toned by then because I have a lot of cellulite , i know weight training nd squats will be good to tone them up as well as running at the end of my workouts.

    Your current weight may be fine then, you just want lower body fat. Have you started strength training already?

    Do you have any "fat pants" you can put on? I saved one pair just to be able to have them as a comparison.
  • PersianKitty94
    PersianKitty94 Posts: 623 Member
    5'10 and I'm at 190 also. People don't understand why i want to lose weight. They're like " you're curvy and that's good". I'm trying to get down to 145.

    We are pretty much the same size with the same goal! I'm 5'9" and have 15 to go...

    How long did it take you to get to this point? 160-145 I think is a good range to fall in.
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member
    edited April 2016
    I heard all the same things. I too am 5'10" started at 214 am now at 153 - I am still hearing daily "you don't need to lose weight - you are going to be way too thin" .. however I am still a size 8 and know where my problem areas are, clothes and height just hide them well! The key is to reach a weight where you feel good about yourself, don't focus on the number too much and enjoy the fit of clothes as your progress. It took about 30lbs for anyone to say anything about me losing weight - but I wouldn't worry about that - who cares, it is for you not them anyway!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    Shana67 wrote: »
    Wow, this is me! EXACTLY. Are you me?? :)

    I am 5'9" and started at 214, and am now at 189 - also have lost 25! Because of my height, I carry my weight way more proportionally than most women. I also want to end up at 160, and when I tell people I still have 29 pounds to lose, they are flabbergasted. But I am halfway between a 12 and a 14 (12s a tish bit tight and 14 is too loose) - want to land at an 8. People *always think* that I weigh less than I do. AND - I have lost 25 freaking pounds and people are JUST NOW starting to notice *shakes head*

    I used to be 140lbs back in the day, and THAT was SKINNY for my height (size 4). I won't ever get back there, but I think that 160 is doable for me, and for you, too!!!

    That is so me! LOL! I am 5'9" New Years I was 189 now I am 181 trying to get to 150. I workout a lot so I am toned so when I tell people I am trying to lose 30 lbs they look at me like I have 3 heads. But I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic so I see the importance of getting the weight off. I wear a comfortable 12 but I am trying to get back into a 10.

    It's nice to meet you - thank you for friending me!
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 5'9" and found that weighing between 150-160lbs is just right.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I just have trouble finding clothes long enough in the arms & legs even though I am 5'8" - technically not all that tall (36 inseam fits best). I am quite small framed though (eg 32D, A or AA 8.5 shoes) so when I weighed 167 there was a fair bit of pudge, lol. I feel best closer to my goal weight of 132. When I was in my very early 20's I weighed 125 and I didn't have to watch what I ate - but I did some modeling then. Now that I am older I can't go that low without looking drawn. People never have thought I needed to lose weight even at my 'heaviest,' but can appreciate the difference in 'before & afters'.