
I am 24 years old and just diagnosed a pre-diabetic. Within the last 2 months I've hit a weight I've never been before and now with this diagnosis I need to change my lifestyle. Words of wisdom are welcome!


  • anjulajj
    anjulajj Posts: 148 Member
    I too decided for my health I was going to change my lifestyle. 10 years ago I developed seizures luckily now they are considered controlled. But my doctor told me the best thing I can do is to stay in good health and since then I've been making improvements and things are starting to look up. I'm hoping by doing this I'm helping fight anything else from bringing my health down. I don't have a perfect lifestyle but I'm trying to be better. If you need any support please reach out:)
  • hadiyaha
    hadiyaha Posts: 4 Member
    I also was diagnosed with pre diabetes and insulin resistance in June. My best advice to you is to stay focused on your goals. Track all your food and exercise and allow your self one cheat meal a week.