Walking to lose weight.



  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    walking is fine for activity. but just remember that your results are what you put into it. if your goal is to do some activity to increase heart health and lose a few pounds and look..well, average as someone who walks, then by all means. go crazy, walking is fine and will suit those goals no problem. if you want to look lean and athletic, then walking won't cut it.

    Didn't realize a50 pound loss with "just" walking was average. This came off so demeaning.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    walking is fine for activity. but just remember that your results are what you put into it. if your goal is to do some activity to increase heart health and lose a few pounds and look..well, average as someone who walks, then by all means. go crazy, walking is fine and will suit those goals no problem. if you want to look lean and athletic, then walking won't cut it.

    Didn't realize a50 pound loss with "just" walking was average. This came off so demeaning.

    Incredibly. Talk about downgrading the efforts of those of have lost weight and arent focused on developing an athletic build. Everyone has different goals, nothing average about success when one is achieving theirs.
  • LuckyMunky
    LuckyMunky Posts: 200 Member
    Hey, I LOVE to walk!! It is amazing exercise!

    I have managed to lose about 20 lbs by just walking, counting calories and eating at a deficit. I walk about 4 days a week for an hour each. I bought a cheap pedometer at Walmart for about $15 that I use to track how many steps I've taken, the distance walked, etc. It gives a more accurate calorie count than what MFP gives (in my case it's higher.) I can not run - my chronic pain prevents me from doing anything with a high impact on my joints, so walking is just perfect for me.
  • Alwayssohungry
    Alwayssohungry Posts: 369 Member
    It's definitely a fabulous start ! Eat less, move more works like a charm.
  • whisperer02
    Yes, it did sound demeaning. I walk every day and it has helped to tone me and helped with inches lost. So walkers, walk on!
  • mbcxx09
    mbcxx09 Posts: 3
    "my name is marybeth and I am a walker" (said while standing, lol)

    Once upon a time I was in great shape...live got in the way and I because much much less active.

    Started walking 2-4+ miles a day and am now down 4lb and feeling awesome. My body doesn't hurt bc I am not stiff. I hope to continue all the way to 40lbs.

    Add me as a friend ( you will be my first) and we can walk of the weight together.
  • TheGr8Kimbini
    Hey, I LOVE to walk!! It is amazing exercise!

    I have managed to lose about 20 lbs by just walking, counting calories and eating at a deficit. I walk about 4 days a week for an hour each. I bought a cheap pedometer at Walmart for about $15 that I use to track how many steps I've taken, the distance walked, etc. It gives a more accurate calorie count than what MFP gives (in my case it's higher.) I can not run - my chronic pain prevents me from doing anything with a high impact on my joints, so walking is just perfect for me.

    Have you heard of Runtastic? It's a great app and it's free! It also syncs up to MFP for you too. :bigsmile:
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I think as long as you stick to it, it will be a great exercise plan!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I lost 90 pounds walking only on my lunch break M-F for one hour. When I started it was only about a mile or a little more and slowly as I got more comfortable and lost more weight I was able to go much quicker. By the end (I changed jobs and lost my walking route and lunch hour routine!) I was walking 4 miles and still had time to use the bathroom and grab a water on my way back to my desk. Walking is a great activity for losing weight and improving your overall fitness in my book.

    I take my one year old in his stroller lots of times for a 2 mile walk -- he loves it and we see lots of neat stuff (ducks, frogs, doggies, all the things he loves to say - lol). I use Runkeeper on my iphone and I set the alerts to tell me when I have gone 1 mile. I tuck my phone in my pocket (or the stroller) and head out. When it says I have gone 1 mile we turn around! Easy as can be!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Walker here too! :wink:

    I have a treadmill so most of my walking is done on there, approx. 30-60 mins 5 times a week, I lost quite abit from doing this (25lbs) - I did incorporate some fitness dvd's every now and again but I thank my loss down to walking.

    Now im post baby and back to my prev weight ( :grumble: ) , im starting over again

    All the best!

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to know if this sounds like a good plan. I am trying to lose 30lbs and would like to start walking. Would walking for an hour a day for 5 or 6 days a week be good exercise? Obviously at a brisk pace. I am also going to be drinking only water and snacking on more fruits, vegetables, and almonds. And I recently discovered Skinnytaste.com, so I would be getting a majority of my recipes from their. Also, I haven't eaten any fast food in 2 weeks or drank any soda and I no longer crave it which I think is a good start.
    Yes, walking is very good exercise.
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Yes it is the only exercise I have done for my new lifestyle and I still do 30 mins 3 times a week minimum. If it is too jot or cold find Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk on u tube
  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I looooove walking and cycling!just got my new pair of New balance shoes for walking today! Its a great idea for weightloss,I have the opposite problem to you regarding walking the dog,we have 2 year old terriers and they pull the hands off me so I dont take them as often as I should! we live in a hilly area so its no problem to burn 400 cals in an hour!! best of luck to you!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Walking gets the job done. Are there faster calorie torches, yes... but the more strenuous, the more the group of people an exercise is appropriate for narrows down. There is no 'ideal' exercise.
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    I think is a great idea.

    I started walking last month and I'm currently doing 4 miles 6 times a week. I have lost around 11 pounds and I feel way better. I'm not that fast around 90 minutes( 22 minutes per mile) , hopefully in the next couple of months I will improve my time.
  • Siegel15
    Siegel15 Posts: 100 Member
    The best thing about walking for your daily exercise is that it is easy to keep doing and there are no sports injuries,
    I walk ten days then rest one. My route is my the sea, which is really beautiful, in the morning, for 70 minutes. I am toning up really fast! I walk carrying a rock in each hand to " work" my arms. They are toning up too! But the best thing about carrying rocks is it forces my abs to work as well. It's great!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I started my journey walking 2.2 miles a day then worked my way up from there. It works.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Walking is a GREAT cardio (brisk pace), especially if you plan to do so for an hour at least four to six days a week. I think you'll find it works out great for you.
    Good luck!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Your body would adapt to the low intensity exercise within 8 - 12 weeks and at that point progress would slow or stop. Your body would become so efficient at the activity that it would not burn a many calories. Nonetheless you would probably reap health benefits from it.
  • sjkcwatson
    sjkcwatson Posts: 61 Member
    I've lost 33 pounds since January doing what you said. I stopped drinking pop, started drinking tons of water, set my calories and made healthier choices to stay within those calories (more fruits/veggies/yogurt/avacado/omlets, etc), and walked a bunch. I walk fast - about 4.5 -4.8 mp using mapmyrun on my phone. I started at 2 miles most days of the week and quickly worked up to 4-5 miles. I use the time during my 2 boys soccer practice to walk. Now I walk 5 miles (1-1.5 hours) 4-5 days a week. I've tried running and every now and again can do a walk/jog routine - but distance running makes my knee hurt. Walking I can do fine. I have lost around 1 - 1.5 pounds a week doing this (been maintaining for lst 3 weeks). I will say that the scale changed in spurts - I'd lost 3-4 pounds then the scale would show now change or a slight up and down for 2 weeks or so then I'd loose again. After a while I began to recognize this was a normal pattern for me. Good luck and you can do it!!