Greetings everyone, I hope all goes well with this MFP!

Hello! I'm Abe, 18 year old MMA fighter, (well, more like fighter in training) I'm at 5"6 at 140lbs. My goal is to hit 130lbs to fight in the 135lbs division called Bantamweight and I've been at 145lbs for an extremely long time, and it was incredibly difficult to cut down to 140 alone.

I came across this site, and well, if I can really lose 2lbs a week following my daily 1330 calorie intake and 1870 calories lost, with exercise a week, well, that would be a miracle for me! I'm extremely strict on my diet and workout plan, I was just lacking the right information to really get out of my plateau.

I used to weight 170lbs before I cut down to 145lbs with training and dieting, but now my goal is to hit 130lbs and then bulk up a few pounds of chest and bicep mass (my legs are a tiny bit unproportionally big compared to my upper body, go figure.) I eat lean, lift heavy 6-8 reps or 4-6 reps to maintain muscle mass.

I'm going to post my success story come August 8 (my birthday!) from cutting down the weight based off this site :) not only do I want to be a leaner/more defined martial artist, but also just a healthier person with this lifestyle change. Wish me luck, thanks!