Macro aid - less carbs/more protein


I just did up my ideal macros based on my activity level, exercise and goals (5'3", 43, currently 168 with a goal obviously to lose weight). My calories are set at what IIFYM recommended (1383 all days except M/W/F AT 1470 - my weight training days). It has recommended my macros be at 20/40/40 (carb/prot/fat).
How do you keep your carbs low? I eat pretty healthy as it is but just having a salad and some greek yogurt throws my carbs well over 20. I realize it's percentage but still it seems tough.
Aren't we supposed to eat so many servings of veg and fruit a day... but then trying low carb seems to go against this.

Bit stumped here on the best plan for me.


  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    And yes, I'm sure I'm overthinking this but diet and nutrition fascinates me.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    20% carbs of 1380 calories is ~70 grams of carbs, that easily accommodates 5 servings of veg a day and one or two of the lower carb fruits. So no worries there.

    Actual plain greek yoghurt (as opposed to things claiming to be) is under 4g carbs per 100 ml so again this shouldn't be a problem.

    Meat, fish, cheese & eggs will fit into your macros accompanied by some lower carb green vegetables.
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    Oh ok, thanks yarwell! I'm going to give this my best shot! :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There is no such thing as an ideal macro's a pretty individualized thing...hence the "Y" in IIFYM. Also, that website is just capitalizing on the concept and pretty much defaults to the same thing for's not gospel.

    I'm pretty active and do a lot of endurance stuff...I eat about 50-60% carbs. 20% carbs seems ridiculously low to me...and I also eat a moderately high protein diet and I'm not at 40%...if you're exceeding about 1 gram per Lb of LBM you're just wasting $$$ IMO...that site usually calculates protein based on total body weight which is excessive.
  • torontonancy
    torontonancy Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Heartlight 144! I struggle with this as well since 'hidden' carbs are in most nutritionally dense food. You also, as I'm sure you know, need to ensure you get enough fibre. Getting carbs mainly through hi-fibre sources (fruit, veg, Greek yoghurt) like you have been doing will yield better results. Save bread, rice, etc. for your higher calorie days if you can. It is a challenge for sure. I have gained and lost hundreds of pounds in my life and think I MAY have finally found my life-long nutrition plan with the help of my trainer. Good luck and let us know how it goes.