
My name is MiMi,
I'm a 27yr old, divorced mother of one in the Milwaukee area.
I've been going to the gym 5 days a week and trying to change my eating habits (so far so good).


  • bhunter428
    bhunter428 Posts: 17 Member
    Good for you Mimi. It's tough to be a single parent, I know. Excellent on making the commitment and starting young. I'm 55 (or soon to be) and I've struggled with weight for much of my life. I'm no quitter though. LOL. I'm doing well on my journey this time because like you, I'm embracing a mindset of this isn't a "diet" it's a lifestyle. Nothing is "off limits," so if I choose to indulge, I do, but I also track my intake constantly. Miss one day, and it can quickly get away from you. I also like to read the message boards and keep myself motivated when I'm surfing so i don't just ingest mindless calories. I live in Michigan, but I have a niece and a good friend who reside in the Madison area. Lots of similarities in our two states. I am struggling the most with exercise. I don't like it. I've never liked it. I've done it faithfully for years at a time, but I've also procrastinated on many occasions as well. I would feel totally uncomfortable and inept in a gym setting. I'm not the most graceful person I know, and it takes me FOREVER to learn a routine. If you want any good recipes or snack tips, I have quite a few and I'd be happy to share them with you. Welcome aboard.