How do you avoid over-washing your hair when you workout every day of the week?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Dry shampoo has not been great for my hair. I have dark hair so I actually use cocoa powder instead. It smells nice, it's cheaper, leaves no residue, and surprisingly works better.

    I don't sweat when I workout though lol
  • lisaconklin957
    lisaconklin957 Posts: 17 Member
    If you read up on the "no poo" (shampoo) movement you can get a lot of ideas on how to stretch out wash days and how to be less reliant on the idea of washing your hair every time you break a sweat. No poo is a huge time commitment with an enormous amount of trial and error (so I'm not suggesting it) but for me, there was value in more natural hair care routine. I do a lot of water only rinses after working out.
  • sarahkanzalone
    sarahkanzalone Posts: 192 Member
    I wash mine every other day usually sometimes every three days. If it's getting oily but dry I put a little baby powder or loose face powder in it. It takes out grease but doesn't dry it out. Haven't found a dry that I like yet but about to try that route again
  • meganpaige1989
    meganpaige1989 Posts: 22 Member
    You might want to try a mixture of baking soda & water as a kind of "shampoo" - I've read 1 Tbsp. baking soda per 1 Cup water as the standard - and a mixture of apple cider vinegar & water as conditioner, at about the same ratio as the baking soda. I know it sounds a little weird, but I did this for over a year and my hair was very smooth, healthy and shiny. I only stopped because of some very inconvenient life circumstances. And no, it didn't smell like vinegar once I rinsed it out :-P

    If you shower at the gym, though, that might be kinda hard. You could try to make a mixture ahead of time & put it into some re-fillable bottles. Otherwise, it's pretty easy to do in a home shower, once you get used to the difference.

    Good luck!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I generally wash mine every two days. I try to tie & pin it up so as little as possible of it might touch my hair/ears/neck, I use dry shampoo (letting any sweat dry beforehand!) , and sometimes I just rinse with water and no shampoo. I often schedule runs/gym time so I can get two workouts in for one wash e.g. run on evening when I'm staying in, and go to the gym early the next morning before work.
  • rrcoffey
    rrcoffey Posts: 72 Member
    Depending on the day/my gym schedule, I either just rinse with water or use a non-foaming hair cleanser (Enjoy is the brand). I use actual shampoo and conditioner but once or twice a week. I found my hair/head to be much less greasy since falling into this routine.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Even with excess sweat from exercise etc you really only need to actually wash like twice a week a rinse does fine, unless you run a tough murder or swim in a lake. :s Warning your hair will look kinda crap for the first month or so while working on this schedule.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    edited April 2016
    I do a similar thing as many people have mentioned - shampoo one day, water others and conditioner as needed (always with shampoo, about every other wash with water) the other days. I only shampoo my hair once a week at most. Also, I don't use dry shampoo - when I was I started to get dandruff really bad. Turns out that's fairly common for people with dry skin... Find a good conditioner if you don't already have one, preferably something from a beauty shop or hair dresser where you can get a recommendation for your specific needs, not a department or drug store.
    ETA - also, I try not to even get my hair wet on days I barely sweat (usually biceps/triceps workout) but those are few and most days I'm drenched so rinsing is required.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    That's what a ponytail is for. Dirty hair makes great braids, too.

    When I had time, I did rinse - condition - restyle but hair seems to adjust to washing less often by making less oil, and mine doesn't get stinky for a week.
  • Btheodore138
    Btheodore138 Posts: 182 Member
    I only wash my hair every other day, since about half of it is gray (and gray hair is notoriously dry and fussy). On my "off" days, I put it up in a bun or ponytail. On the days I wash it, I use a really moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, followed by Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Primer since I blow dry it.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I shampoo and condition on Wednesdays and Sundays every week. The rest of the showers (and sometimes there are multiple in a day depending on when I can squeeze in a workout) is a water only rinse. I do scrub my scalp with my fingers even on water rinse days though. I have thick, dry, curly hair
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    kwiatrtdy2 wrote: »
    A crap tonne of conditioner. I have to wash my hair every day because it gets so greasy from my oily skin

    This is how I deal with it. I sweat so much, even when just lifting weights. My fine, thin hair does not respond well to any of the "no poo" or low poo movement suggestions, so I go through a lot of conditioner.
  • SwedishSarah
    SwedishSarah Posts: 4,350 Member
    Dry Shampoo or baby powder if you must wear it down. Or wear it in a ponytail/braid/hat and no-one can tell. Or try a conditioning cleanser like RenPure to wash your hair.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Rinse your hair instead. That will get rid of the majority of the dirt/oil without shampoo.

    I use shampoo every two to three days. In between I'll rinse when I shower and (depending on how my hair is doing) condition the ends. I use dry shampoo when I feel I need it. Some dry shampoos leave a visible residue on dark hair that you have to brush out, but there are plenty of brands that don't. I like Oribe and Living Proof.

    After working out I'll put my hair in a ponytail and wash the rest of my body and face, but not touch my hair. If it's limp then I'll spray the roots with dry shampoo to freshen it up.

    I have very fine hair and I used to shampoo/condition my hair every day (sometimes twice a day). My hair stylist finally suggested I switch to less frequent shampooing. I did go through a few extra oily days those first two weeks but now my hair is doing really well. It has more body and is less fragile.
  • christielacey
    christielacey Posts: 2 Member
    I don't!! I used to but then I realized the sweat just dries and my hair is fine! I put a shower cap on :)
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I only wash my hair twice a week. In between I sometimes use dry shampoo or just put it up. It's getting hot down here in Florida so I mostly put it up anyways.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    I have very short hair, so a little easier I guess. I tend to just rinse on not workout days, and wash on workout days.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Shave it all off.

    Worked for me....
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    I sweat a lot and especially my head and I was SO GLAD when my stylist suggested DRY SHAMPOO! It seriously changed my life lol!

    I have long hair and it gets to be a pain to wash it everyday and it gets too dry washing it everyday, so I use dry shampoo between washing it.

    After a workout, if your hair is sweaty, dry it w a towel, lightly blow dry it or let it air dry, then spray w dry shampoo and brush or comb out.

    It keeps my hair smelling and feeling fresh and adds volume to it.

    My favorite brands are;
    "Clean Freak"(Not Your Mother's) and
    Batiste Dry Shampoo (you can find them at most stores near the hairspray)
    (I can only use these two because Other brands can smell really strong and give me a headache)
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    You don't need to wash it with shampoo very day just like you don't need to use soap on your body everyday, except pits and privates. We wash with soap way too much, ask any dermatologist.