lost 5 stone last year, put it all back on. On here to start again :)

I lost 5 stone last year and put it all back on. Any buddies want to keep me motivated. Im 26, 257lbs from South East England


  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    Hi!! I totally know where you're at.. I lost 6 stone 8 years ago and then had some health problems for a few years and eventually ended up almost has heavy as when I started!! I've lost 2-3 stone now and again over the last 3 years, but again - circumstances has taken me back to 206lb.
    I'm trying a different approach to dieting this time, and so far I am very happy. I have lost 6lb effortlessly over the last week - (was 212) although I am aware it will be water weight, my clothes are already fitting better and that's what matters initally.
    Good luck, I am from England too :)