// hello world

Hi, I'm Luis

Portuguese living in Ireland for the past decade, very sports-active but no so much on social media

I've always been into sports and on/off from the gym ( during the summer I take the exercise outdoors) -- signed up for Tough Mudder ( July ) and that's my fitness goal for the next trimester

I don't follow any diet; I eat what I want, but try to replace whatever's possible with healthier options ( ex, steak and potatoes become steak and vegetables, cheese omelet becomes spinach omelet )

Wanted to leave my 'hello' message just as I'm starting to use this app to have a rough idea of what I'm doing my diet

I believe 'friends' work as motivators in this app so feel free to add me; I'd be interested in sharing heathy recipes and event stories ( and/or whatever random thoughts you might have )

( p.s. - allow me a grace period as I figure how this works )