Struggling on the weekends



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I have the same problem. I have currently committed to log everything over the weekend. I used to figure I was gonna screw up, so I won't log. I've logged for two weekends now, faithfully, every little thing. I'm getting an idea of what my weekend eating is doing to my overall progress. Now, I'm going to start tweaking. I also started an Excel spreadsheet to make it easier to see the trend.

  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    edited April 2016
    Bank some calories during the week and get in a killer workout Saturday morning to have some extra calories on hand- thats what I do!

    I go to the gym later Sat morning than I can during the weekend and do a longer/harder workout since I have the time, this usually results in a very late breakfast or just straight to lunch (usually something low cal but filling like eggs/egg whites) and then I don't feel as guilty about the tacos and margarita I have Saturday night :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I tend to eat more on the weekends, but I also tend to be a lot more active on the weekends. Weekends are when I actually have time to get out there for 2 or 3 hours on the bike...weekends are when I have time to do a 12 mile hike. Weekends are when I have time to take my kids to the zoo and walk around for a few hours. Weekends are when I have time to spend a few hours doing yard work, etc, etc, etc.

    This past weekend I did a 12 hour hike that took me six hours on Saturday. On Sunday I got up and sat around for a couple of hours having my coffee, etc...then I did a bunch of work in the yard and fixed a few things around the house...I don't think I sat down most of the day save for my lunch break and then around 7 in the evening for dinner.

    It all evens out for me in the end...I do tend to indulge more, but I'm way more active than I am during the week when I'm stuck behind a desk most of the day.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Two things:

    One, eat less and work out more during the week so you have some cushion - think in terms of weeks, not individual days.

    Two, we eat two meals and not three, usually, on weekends. So even if they are bigger, it's the same overall.

    Occasionally I do the long run on Saturday morning, but generally weekends are my rest days AND heavier eating days, but again, thinking of weeks as units instead of days seems to work.
  • Shellymarie604
    Shellymarie604 Posts: 51 Member
    I workout on the weekends so I can more freely or have a couple drinks
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I tend to do all the household errands and yard work on the weekends, so burn/move more, and try to get out of the house and away from everything thats lurking in the cupboards! I try to keep busy and distracted, so that I dont thing about meals. Also, I prelog anything that I think I might be eating over the weekend, and make sure there is a menu in place for those two days and that I have all the ingredients to make it. I tend to undereat my calories during the week anyway, so I do have a bit of a buffer come Saturday morning.