Empty Nester at the starting line AGAIN!

Balaru Posts: 203 Member
4 years ago my mantra was to be Fifty, Fit and Fabulous! And I was. I did a 5K or 10k (walk/run/walk) each month for 6 months. Went to the gym every day, counted my WW points and lost about 30 pounds. A Hurricane, job loss, tornado and several other challenges have derailed me and I find myself back where I started.

Currently going through a discouraging job search. I've put in over 200 applications. I think the age may be a factor even thought it's against the law to discriminate and I'm sure the extra pounds aren't helping either.

So time to tackle it again!

The things that keep me motivated and the thing I keep going back to is walk/run/walk. It's where I feel most at home.
So I have one race that I will be signing up for shortly that is on my birthday weekend in January. That should give me PLENTY of time to train. Perhaps I could even run it by that time.

Once I get a streak going I'm good to go. It's just getting that consistency going again.

So no more pity parties - no more not thinking about the elephant in the room. Onward to setting goals and putting the plan into action.

Add me if you want a cheerleader and accountability partner.