Right track?

I was 207 now I'm 202 trying to reach 180 by June I walk Atleast 1900 steps a day and work out 4 times out of the week. Also side note I took the loss 2 pounds a week route so a big spike in calories. Am I on the right track? Any tips?


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    The more consistent you can be, the better your progress will be. I would suggest the you combine resistance training with intense cardio/interval workouts for a well-balanced approach to exercise. 6 days/week of 30-60 minutes of hard workouts is optimal. It doesn't have to be long, just focused and intense. Do that and keep your nutrition on point, and you'll do great!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    22 pounds in seven weeks is VERY aggressive. You can probably lose 5-10 in that time.
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    terbusha wrote: »
    The more consistent you can be, the better your progress will be. I would suggest the you combine resistance training with intense cardio/interval workouts for a well-balanced approach to exercise. 6 days/week of 30-60 minutes of hard workouts is optimal. It doesn't have to be long, just focused and intense. Do that and keep your nutrition on point, and you'll do great!

    Six intense 30-60 minute long workouts per week whilst cutting is madness, not optimal.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I agree with Malibu....maybe 10 pounds by June 1st. Wouldn't change the exercise part. 4 times per week is perfect. Make sure you meet your macros. What's your hurry? You are only 21. This is the time to get good habits that you can sustain the rest of your life. Don't be a yo-yo dieter.
  • CrossfitOCRunner
    CrossfitOCRunner Posts: 61 Member
    Nonsense. I lost 40 in 8 weeks, easily.
  • CrossfitOCRunner
    CrossfitOCRunner Posts: 61 Member

    To lose that much, you cant just focus on calories. you also need to be on a gallon of water, and ensure your food quality is high. protein is high (enough). and your carbs are just enough to fuel your workouts along with good fat making up the difference. fasted cardio and 2-a-days will pay dividends. I've never noticed steps do a thing for my life. add a day where you do some extended, zone 2 - fat burning zone, cardio. and/or toss some intervals in there which creates a great after-burn effect. Are you doing any weights? with the right rep schemes, you can torch some fat and elevate your metabolism for up to 48h. good luck! work hard. the biggest thing is being consistent and staying in tune with your goal!
  • jandsstevenson887
    jandsstevenson887 Posts: 296 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    terbusha wrote: »
    The more consistent you can be, the better your progress will be. I would suggest the you combine resistance training with intense cardio/interval workouts for a well-balanced approach to exercise. 6 days/week of 30-60 minutes of hard workouts is optimal. It doesn't have to be long, just focused and intense. Do that and keep your nutrition on point, and you'll do great!

    Six intense 30-60 minute long workouts per week whilst cutting is madness, not optimal.

    I'm doing about that and it works great for me