doubting myself so much right nd ow

I've always trusted myself and listened to my body whilst losing the weight but now I'm struggling to maintain.
My mind just isn't keeping in sync with my body.
Been trying for a few months and sometimes I will feel ok and be positive about it but over recent weeks I've noticed my weight gaining a bit which has disheartened me.
Last night I had a treat of a chocolate bar and a glass of wine spritzer because I thought to myself what's the point in doing all the exercise I do and not having a treat when I want it .
I felt ok .
Then I went downstairs and had a snack a jack,a few squares of dark chocolate and a bit of pasta.
I only ate 1250 calories which wasn't even maintenance calories let alone eating back my exercise calories but I felt disgusted with myself and then I couldn't sleep .
I'm dreading weighing myself this week and am very tempted not to so I don't get upset but I need to see what damage it's done .
Sorry for the long post


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If this is just a logistics problem: Plan your meals and save a small space for treats, and eat your food. Weigh yourself every day, too.
    If you are getting thoughts about not eating, seek professional help.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    I'm not getting thoughts about not eating .I love eating what I eat I'm just struggling with my mindset and I feel I can't do what I'm meant to when I could lose the weight easily
  • acadecca
    acadecca Posts: 2 Member
    If this is just a logistics problem: Plan your meals and save a small space for treats, and eat your food. Weigh yourself every day, too.
    If you are getting thoughts about not eating, seek professional help.

    I actually agree with this of weighing yourself daily. I have had problems with eating disorders in the past and been a very low weight. After recovery I gained a lot and now I'm the heaviest I have ever been and heading into the top end of my BMI. I want to get back to the middle for my wedding in October but getting on the scales on a weekly basis was really creating a lot of anxiety. There are a lot of things that can affect that one weigh in (salt intake, water retention, time of the month etc.) and contrary to popular advice, it actually helps me to weigh daily. I see that my weight going up for a couple of days and coming back down to lower than initial starting weight and it makes me not panic so much about the number on the scales as I know that it's not the end of the world if I've suddenly put on a kg in a day. May not work for everyone but it did for me and prevented me over-exercising or starving myself. On Saturday I had quite the blow out going to the pub with friends and had a big burger and several drinks - next day I had lost a kg after not seeing any weight loss over a week of staying within my 1500 calories.

    As for feeling disgusted with yourself, try not to think along the lines of good and bad foods as that is a downward spiral. A blow out here and there will not hurt you in the long term. You can always eat healthily the next day to compensate. If it's a significant gain you have been experiencing, try reducing your calories like you did for weight loss for a week or so. One blow out is fixable - blow outs every day are another story :)
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Acadecca thank you for the advice it has helped a bit.
    People keep telling me to up my calories and eat more and treat myself as I've done the hard work and my blowouts aren't even that bad tbh .
    It's all psychological and I know this but I know I need help with it
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you feel guilty about eating 1250 calories, please get help.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    I don't feel guilty about it being 1250 calories it's hard to explain.
    Everyone else makes it look so easy ,I've put on 4 lbs in 2 weeks and that's what is making me feel bad.
    I know I exercise enough to burn it off but it doesn't seem to at the moment.
    I'm really hoping it will level off soon and I will be able to eat chocolate, booze etc and not put any on
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    It's not an easy road, it's always going to be a struggle. Need to keep in mind that weight fluctuates, even if you're doing everything perfect. That's normal. I've got about a 5 pound range that I stay in. That way, the variance of the scale doesn't bother me anymore. If I get to the high number, I know I need to adjust my eating a little bit, maybe skip the soda for a week or so, to get back into my range. It's a constant balancing act, and while I'm learning to trust my judgement because I spent so long learning what regular portions looks like, I still screw up and have to adjust from time to time.

    If you've been having serious mental issues adjusting to it, might be worth while to talk to a therapist. Sometimes, it's hard to see what we need to do for ourselves, so an outside professional opinion can help. They can help you develop strategies for yourself so that you can keep yourself on track easier.
  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    My brother lost 14 stone 8 years ago and my dad paid for him to see a therapist as he had issues .tbh he still does but his way works for him .
    I've got a weight that I don't want to go over or under